BurnCK said:
whp.blue said:
bradford was a disaster caused be smoking within a football ground !

so we use your argument to defend football violence or munich chants people do it so accept it as ok

I would like to see this argument used to defend a smoker in a court case

By that logic you could argue that people standing up could cause another Hillsborough....but that would be just stupid, a bit like your statement.

so are you saying smoking did not cause the bradford fire ? because thats what I stated
smoking within football grounds has caused the deaths of fans that is a fact you may prefer to continue to argue that it was a sneaky fag and that is fine but I disagree and firmly believe the smoking ban should be vigorously enforced
whp.blue said:
BurnCK said:
By that logic you could argue that people standing up could cause another Hillsborough....but that would be just stupid, a bit like your statement.

so are you saying smoking did not cause the bradford fire ? because thats what I stated
smoking within football grounds has caused the deaths of fans that is a fact you may prefer to continue to argue that it was a sneaky fag and that is fine but I disagree and firmly believe the smoking ban should be vigorously enforced

No, what Im saying is that unfortunately accidents happen....but to base your argument on one tragic accident is a bit overboard. Especially when it has never been proved what caused the fire...it was just presumed that it was a cig or a match. Why not just ban electrical heaters, boilers, and anything else that's ever caused a fire or the death of someone.
Yes, let's get rid of the smokers and hopefully quickly followed by the alcohol drinkers. I must admit that i find the drunken bunch much more obnoxious and hazardous than the smokers.
whp.blue said:
BurnCK said:
By that logic you could argue that people standing up could cause another Hillsborough....but that would be just stupid, a bit like your statement.

so are you saying smoking did not cause the bradford fire ? because thats what I stated
smoking within football grounds has caused the deaths of fans that is a fact you may prefer to continue to argue that it was a sneaky fag and that is fine but I disagree and firmly believe the smoking ban should be vigorously enforced

The chances of a discarded cigarette causing a fire in a modern stadium like ours are so infinitesimally small that to use that as your argument is such a flawed position as to be ridiculous! If you follow your logic back, then from a pure public safety point of view, all catering concessions & lighting instillations would have to be shut down on the basis of public safety, long before you got to considerations over whether cigarettes posed a danger of setting the building alight!
vonksbignose said:
whp.blue said:
so are you saying smoking did not cause the bradford fire ? because thats what I stated
smoking within football grounds has caused the deaths of fans that is a fact you may prefer to continue to argue that it was a sneaky fag and that is fine but I disagree and firmly believe the smoking ban should be vigorously enforced

The chances of a discarded cigarette causing a fire in a modern stadium like ours are so infinitesimally small that to use that as your argument is such a flawed position as to be ridiculous! If you follow your logic back, then from a pure public safety point of view, all catering concessions & lighting instillations would have to be shut down on the basis of public safety, long before you got to considerations over whether cigarettes posed a danger of setting the building alight!

Couldn't have put it better myself
Dubai Blue said:
Damocles said:
More crap. If you were to smoke on an aeroplane, you would actually help out other passengers as the air recyclers would work harder and produce cleaner air.
Planes banned smoking way before everybody else, simply because it saved them a shedload of money (recyclers burn energy which essentially comes from fuel).
It was disgusting when people used to smoke in planes and cinemas. I don't care what they can do to clean the air, smoking in such a confined space is ridiculously inconsiderate as it causes other people a huge amount of discomfort.

I'm a smoker but I'm actually very much in favour of the smoking ban. It's something we choose to do; those sensible ones who choose not to do it shouldn't have to put up with it, if for no other reason than it makes their clothes stink through no fault of their own.

I agree that there should be an outdoor smoking area but the fact that there currently isn't really doesn't justify people being so selfishly inconsiderate of others that they spark up in the toilets anyway.
jesus someone on this thread has just spoken some sense, well done to you. It is dirty and i dont want to be breathing in smoke and stinking of it in the toilets. Whats is wrong with that, nothing exactly.
rickmcfc said:
Dubai Blue said:
It was disgusting when people used to smoke in planes and cinemas. I don't care what they can do to clean the air, smoking in such a confined space is ridiculously inconsiderate as it causes other people a huge amount of discomfort.

I'm a smoker but I'm actually very much in favour of the smoking ban. It's something we choose to do; those sensible ones who choose not to do it shouldn't have to put up with it, if for no other reason than it makes their clothes stink through no fault of their own.

I agree that there should be an outdoor smoking area but the fact that there currently isn't really doesn't justify people being so selfishly inconsiderate of others that they spark up in the toilets anyway.
jesus someone on this thread has just spoken some sense, well done to you. It is dirty and i dont want to be breathing in smoke and stinking of it in the toilets. Whats is wrong with that, nothing exactly.

Anyone wanting to smoke at the footy should just move their seats / season tickets to 3rd tier so they have access to the spiral walkways.....but that would be too considerate.

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