blue John said:
supercity36 said:
we should lure the smokers out promising they can get back in then lock the turnstiles/exits.
Fuck me Super I thought you were going to put them up agaist the wall and shoot them then
In fact this could be the answer it would then free up the ground for our new fans
I for one have made fans put fags out in the toilets before now by simply telling them to put it out or get knocked out it is a dangerous discusting habit and any fan found breaking the law should be banned for life.

LMFAO, you hero, I don't smoke but I sincerely hope that a smoker takes you up on that and puts you on
your arse, those smokers are inconsiderate yes, but you are just a thug.
law74 said:
mct said:
So who is gonna pay for that ,the fans ,why should none smokers have to subsidize smokers.


Please dont shout at me, and get your facts right.

The reason i shouted is cos it is a ridiculous suggestion you made.

feel free to read <a class="postlink" href="http://www.smokefreeengland.co.uk/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.smokefreeengland.co.uk/</a>
i read quite a few pages of this before getting bored and no i dont smoke and i have quite bad asthma but it doesnt bother me, its peoples choice to smoke and banning it was the worst thing that could have happened at football because it was obvious people would use the toilets so the goverment brought this on..just get over it

"excuse me steward could you please eject this thug next to me, he is singing far too loud"
mct said:
law74 said:
Please dont shout at me, and get your facts right.

The reason i shouted is cos it is a ridiculous suggestion you made.

feel free to read <a class="postlink" href="http://www.smokefreeengland.co.uk/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.smokefreeengland.co.uk/</a>

Since when has it been against the law of the land to smoke in a public place?

Answer NEVER.
It is against the Law to smoke in a largely enclosed public area, hence why I am suggesting the club cater for the customers needs and wants and provide a smoking area for half time (the same as Derby County do & the same that the vast majority of Pubs do), so I feel that it is hardly ridiculous to suggest that MCFC treat that section of their "customer base" in such a manner.
law74 said:
mct said:
The reason i shouted is cos it is a ridiculous suggestion you made.

feel free to read <a class="postlink" href="http://www.smokefreeengland.co.uk/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.smokefreeengland.co.uk/</a>

Since when has it been against the law of the land to smoke in a public place?

Answer NEVER.
It is against the Law to smoke in a largely enclosed public area, hence why I am suggesting the club cater for the customers needs and wants and provide a smoking area for half time (the same as Derby County do & the same that the vast majority of Pubs do), so I feel that it is hardly ridiculous to suggest that MCFC treat that section of their "customer base" in such a manner.

ok if the smokers wish to pay for this themselves then fair does.... but the majority shouldnt pay for people to kill themselves slowly
supercity36 said:
law74 said:
Since when has it been against the law of the land to smoke in a public place?

Answer NEVER.
It is against the Law to smoke in a largely enclosed public area, hence why I am suggesting the club cater for the customers needs and wants and provide a smoking area for half time (the same as Derby County do & the same that the vast majority of Pubs do), so I feel that it is hardly ridiculous to suggest that MCFC treat that section of their "customer base" in such a manner.

ok if the smokers wish to pay for this themselves then fair does....

Not a bad plan, sell 'smoking tickets' which grant you access to the smoking area at a higher price, seems fair to me.
law74 said:
mct said:
The reason i shouted is cos it is a ridiculous suggestion you made.

feel free to read <a class="postlink" href="http://www.smokefreeengland.co.uk/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.smokefreeengland.co.uk/</a>

Since when has it been against the law of the land to smoke in a public place?

Answer NEVER.
It is against the Law to smoke in a largely enclosed public area, hence why I am suggesting the club cater for the customers needs and wants and provide a smoking area for half time (the same as Derby County do & the same that the vast majority of Pubs do), so I feel that it is hardly ridiculous to suggest that MCFC treat that section of their "customer base" in such a manner.

like i said ,who pays for this ? i pay enough N.I. contributions, smokers cost the NHS between 1.5bn to 1.7bn per year,the toilets at the coms is`nt a large publc place .
i know let all the smokers on the pitch at half time. NOT.
de niro said:
rickmcfc said:
This season there seems to be so many more people smoking in the stadium toilets. It is fucking horrible when all i want to do is to go for a piss. As times its that bad you can barely breathe in there. Does anyone else feel the same way about this? I thought it was ILLEGAL to smoke in the stadium so why isnt it being enforced? Oh and a notice to all those that do smoke in there, cut it out as it is vile and i dont want to be breathing in your cancer ridden smoke, and dont come out with the bollocks that "you need one" you will have to wait until your are out of the stadium, not difficult!!!

i was talking to someone at the club a couple of weeks ago, they are about to clamp down on this, there is to be an increase in undercover fans supposedly using the loo, they are stewards and as soon as the smoker leaves the loo they will be taken to one side and sanctions will follow.

as a poster has said, why not use the spiral ffs, but away from other people.it seems like a police state at times but thats only because the smokers can't police themselves.
i for one love it when a smoker gets banned, love it.

Waiting for smokers to finish and come out the loo before pulling 1 of a dozen/2 dozen aside doesn't stop them smoking in the toilets.

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