so this agenda thing.

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we await nods of approval and support for these views from the usual suspects
Lucky Toma said:
Broadening the picture does anyone else view the media criticism of attendance to be somewhat unsavoury regardless of club?

I understand it when its kept 'in-house' ie when fans of other clubs take the piss on Twitter etc

But its becoming increasingly the norm for newspapers to slag fans off for poor if WE'RE to blame!

Villa - who have been serving up some poor football of late - played on a Monday night with tickets 40 quid and more for a match shown on Sky.

Its Sky and the extortionate prices that are driving the attendances down. Fans are being ripped off and their loyalty under-appreciated and taken for granted.

I just find the fact that we - the fans - getting it in the neck from the media is a bit sick.

You want an agenda? How about considering why and how its come to pass that supporters of different clubs are turning on each other on this issue rather than looking to the real culprits.

Couldn't agree more, not only do they write all this shit they also freeload into games and travel all round the world watching football and then call us!!!!

That nob Moose on TS even has a spot talking about all the free grub he gets at games..
franksinatra said:
Wilf Wild 1937 said:
I take it there has been a total media meltdown tonight with the biggest club in the Midlands only attracting 25,000 for a PL match
against the team currently second in the table? No? Thought not.

So the fact Villa have not been roundly criticised for their attendance means their is an agenda against us? What bizarre thinking.

Villa's low attendance was a piece on talk sport news this morning. Smallest in 15 years apparently.
blue b4 the moon said:
Lucky Toma said:
Broadening the picture does anyone else view the media criticism of attendance to be somewhat unsavoury regardless of club?

I understand it when its kept 'in-house' ie when fans of other clubs take the piss on Twitter etc

But its becoming increasingly the norm for newspapers to slag fans off for poor if WE'RE to blame!

Villa - who have been serving up some poor football of late - played on a Monday night with tickets 40 quid and more for a match shown on Sky.

Its Sky and the extortionate prices that are driving the attendances down. Fans are being ripped off and their loyalty under-appreciated and taken for granted.

I just find the fact that we - the fans - getting it in the neck from the media is a bit sick.

You want an agenda? How about considering why and how its come to pass that supporters of different clubs are turning on each other on this issue rather than looking to the real culprits.

Couldn't agree more, not only do they write all this shit they also freeload into games and travel all round the world watching football and then call us!!!!

That nob Moose on TS even has a spot talking about all the free grub he gets at games..
and who does he think is really paying for it?
Lucky Toma said:
Broadening the picture does anyone else view the media criticism of attendance to be somewhat unsavoury regardless of club?

I understand it when its kept 'in-house' ie when fans of other clubs take the piss on Twitter etc

But its becoming increasingly the norm for newspapers to slag fans off for poor if WE'RE to blame!

Villa - who have been serving up some poor football of late - played on a Monday night with tickets 40 quid and more for a match shown on Sky.

Its Sky and the extortionate prices that are driving the attendances down. Fans are being ripped off and their loyalty under-appreciated and taken for granted.

I just find the fact that we - the fans - getting it in the neck from the media is a bit sick.

You want an agenda? How about considering why and how its come to pass that supporters of different clubs are turning on each other on this issue rather than looking to the real culprits.

Yes, me. It's a piece you should write, Toma. You could even extend it to the repeated criticisms of atmosphere, and that sometimes comes from managers. They mess with the kick off times, make people sit down, fill the ground with corporates and tourist, sanitise the game in all kinds of ways, boom out stupid tannoy music, price out the working class and don't let you take a beer in your seat.

And then act as though attendance and atmosphere is somehow the duty of the supporters.

You're the man for that piece, Toma...
Didsbury Dave said:
Lucky Toma said:
Broadening the picture does anyone else view the media criticism of attendance to be somewhat unsavoury regardless of club?

I understand it when its kept 'in-house' ie when fans of other clubs take the piss on Twitter etc

But its becoming increasingly the norm for newspapers to slag fans off for poor if WE'RE to blame!

Villa - who have been serving up some poor football of late - played on a Monday night with tickets 40 quid and more for a match shown on Sky.

Its Sky and the extortionate prices that are driving the attendances down. Fans are being ripped off and their loyalty under-appreciated and taken for granted.

I just find the fact that we - the fans - getting it in the neck from the media is a bit sick.

You want an agenda? How about considering why and how its come to pass that supporters of different clubs are turning on each other on this issue rather than looking to the real culprits.

Yes, me. It's a piece you should write, Toma. You could even extend it to the repeated criticisms of atmosphere, and that sometimes comes from managers. They mess with the kick off times, make people sit down, fill the ground with corporates and tourists, sanitise the game in all kinds of ways, boom out stupid tannoy music, price out the working class and don't let you take a beer in your seat.

And then act as though attendance and atmosphere is somehow the duty of the supporters.

You're the man for that piece, Toma...
he's already done the first paragraph gratis for you!!
Didsbury Dave said:
Lucky Toma said:
Broadening the picture does anyone else view the media criticism of attendance to be somewhat unsavoury regardless of club?

I understand it when its kept 'in-house' ie when fans of other clubs take the piss on Twitter etc

But its becoming increasingly the norm for newspapers to slag fans off for poor if WE'RE to blame!

Villa - who have been serving up some poor football of late - played on a Monday night with tickets 40 quid and more for a match shown on Sky.

Its Sky and the extortionate prices that are driving the attendances down. Fans are being ripped off and their loyalty under-appreciated and taken for granted.

I just find the fact that we - the fans - getting it in the neck from the media is a bit sick.

You want an agenda? How about considering why and how its come to pass that supporters of different clubs are turning on each other on this issue rather than looking to the real culprits.

Yes, me. It's a piece you should write, Toma. You could even extend it to the repeated criticisms of atmosphere, and that sometimes comes from managers. They mess with the kick off times, make people sit down, fill the ground with corporates and tourist, sanitise the game in all kinds of ways, boom out stupid tannoy music, price out the working class and don't let you take a beer in your seat.

And then act as though attendance and atmosphere is somehow the duty of the supporters.

You're the man for that piece, Toma...

It is completely unsavoury but I must admit so are fans who slag of other clubs followings. It used to do my head in when some red, who watched it on sky, would call City for not selling out not appreciating the irony of the fact he is criticising the fans who turn up when he himself does not attend.

The days have long gone since you could turn up on the kippax, hand over your pocket money and watch a game. Now people are making serious lifestyle choices.

I think Moomba touched on it would be worth looking into the reason fans have not attended. Of equal merit I would like to know while people still go. For me its because I have done it all my life, it characterises me as a person and to keep in touch with friends. The football, however good it currently is, is secondary when you factor in the cost.

Sadly while fans still use attendances to score playground points rather than unifying against the rising costs I doubt anything will change price wise or the attitude of the press.
I'd expect Stan Collymore to raise the talking point on TS at some point this week

It didn't help that Southampton only had a small following last night, but who can blame them not wanting to make such a long journey on a Monday night, when Christmas is just round the corner

The point scoring by other fans is cringeworthy, its a desperate attempt to get a 'one over' on your rivals. The BOGOF offer is still doing the rounds amongst my mates and I still can't get my head around what the joke is. Every man and his dog knew we wouldn't have sold out for the CSKA game so how can you knock an offer like that!

And again like someone else said, its usually the ones that don't even go and watch their own to who try and poke the fun
Yes, mocking another club for their crowds is the most childish thing imaginable. Yet sometimes it's grown men.

Only a brainless imbecile picks a team because they get big crowds, so why brag about it? I feel respect for someone who follows Rochdale around. I'd be a fucking arsehole if I started going 'you only get 2000 for a league match?'.
Slagging fellow fans for supporting a club which can't command a full house can only have originated from the theatre of glory hunters and rag hacks in the media (mr red ring for example).
 I'm convinced many chose to support the rags because they have the biggest crowds etc etc etc etc etc.......
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