Songs you love by artists your not a fan of

My own Waterloo moment came back in 1985 during Live Aid. I was a young Indie music guy who hated(well professed to) most forms of music that wasn’t my main thing. Atop of this endless lis of derision, was bands like Queen. My mate liked them and I endlessly gave him grief over their middle class pish, an actual quote.

The day of Live Aud arrived and we had settled in his house with enough beer for the actual Wembley crowd and a lump of Red Leb you could have made a pot of soup with.

The day was swinging between people I liked and those I wanted dead. The time arrived when Queen took to the stage, amidst much moaning from me and him telling me to shut the fuck up.

I did, and as it progressed, through gritted teeth I may add, I had to acknowledge they owned it. The mercurial Mercury was immense and my protestations had to retreat up my arse, not as far as Freddie would have gone maybe, but far enough.

From that fateful day, although never becoming a fan, I found a respect for their prowess live. My mate was magnanimous in victory, when I say that, I mean he only went on about it for a few years. The ****.

So, my choice would be Queens performance at Live Aid. The beer and Leb eased my pretentious opposition and later other pals arrived to enjoy my pals gloating.

As I got older my refusal to admit liking stuff I actually liked receded. It wasn’t easy, let’s just put it that way. Anyway, if anybody not around back then, I have put the link up.


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