splitting up with mrs after 4 years...

there are at least three billion vaginas out there , at least double that amount of tits. let it go...I was involved with a small minded twot when I was your age...would have killed her years ago if she hadn't of dumped me. told me she'd be `left on the shelf' if we didn't marry right then. she's been married multiple times now and I've had more ass than you could even imagine..
some good advice. i hope if this shit happens to anyone else they can read it. I'm not one to talk about this especially publically. I definately dont post anything on facebook about how "my heart it broken" etc etc. Just when it happens you think crap i have nobody to turn too! My mates just take the piss!

Its just the little things that get me. Like work today, i remember starting this job and phoning her up on my first day and telling her about it 3 and a half years ago! So this is my first ever day of this job single. When you wake up and you have 10 seconds where you have forgotten all about it! then you remember. In a way im not as bad as i thought because its not really sank in!
Not read all the replies but imagine you have the usual mix of advice. What I will say is this, I regret not travelling when I was in my 20s - a lot of the opportunities for cheap visas etc will be out of your reach fairly soon. You don't necessarily have to travel with her, but you should have experiences while you can before things like mortgages get in the way. Either travel with her and see how it goes or travel without her and meet loads of new people, including plenty of women obviously. At 24 you have enough work experience to pick up your career when you get back, but are young enough to take a break.

I have 2 friends who settled down with their first loves - one shags about all the time and is really unhappy in a crap marriage, the other couple took a year apart in their early twenties to see how things went, had different experiences & saw other people then got back together and have the best marriage of anyone I know.

Go and have some fun, but don't be out of the country in late February or May!
bluebirdtoo said:
Not read all the replies but imagine you have the usual mix of advice. What I will say is this, I regret not travelling when I was in my 20s - a lot of the opportunities for cheap visas etc will be out of your reach fairly soon. You don't necessarily have to travel with her, but you should have experiences while you can before things like mortgages get in the way. Either travel with her and see how it goes or travel without her and meet loads of new people, including plenty of women obviously. At 24 you have enough work experience to pick up your career when you get back, but are young enough to take a break.

I have 2 friends who settled down with their first loves - one shags about all the time and is really unhappy in a crap marriage, the other couple took a year apart in their early twenties to see how things went, had different experiences & saw other people then got back together and have the best marriage of anyone I know.

Go and have some fun, but don't be out of the country in late February or May!

well one of my reasons for not wanting to go travelling is the possibility of chumps league football next year. that didnt go down well. I guess your right tho. Thanks for the advice
I can kind of understand this as my husband left me on Boxing day. We had been together since I was 15 (Im 28 now). He has worked all over with his job and ive followed, but this time he was offered the chance to go to Scotland for a year and I didn't want to take the kids out of school and give up my job again. He said he'd like to go anyway and a break would do us good so we could enjoy our freedom and see other people. I tried talking him out of it but with no success and ive since decided if someone has their mind set on something its probably best to let them go and try it as if you do they might come back but if you make them stay they'll resent you forever.

If you really can't or don't want to travel let her do it and see what kind of person she is when she comes back - you might both be surprised :)
I feel for the OP, and the others who have ended relationships too. I was with the mum of my kids for 7 years from 00' to 07'. In that time we had bought 2 houses, raised the 2 kids, had lovely holidays and all in all appeared to be heading into a really good future. September 07' she took me away for my 30th and I couldn't have asked for a better life. Exactly 3 weeks later she came downstairs in tears, just as I was about to tuck into a madras too, and said she was unhappy. One thing led to another and she basically said she didn't know what was making her this way, but she had to go. I begged, (like a fucking idiot), for her to stay, and she agreed after hours of talking. A couple of quiet and egg-shelled trodden weeks passed and I asked her one night if everything was no ok, which she said it was. The day after that she came home from work and said she couldn't do it and left. That was it, no explanation, no remorse, nothing. To be left like that, like the OP, is something I have not got over and never will. The best part was that just 6 months prior, she signed a £150k mortgage with me! No-one gets unappy in 6 months, not to the point they do that anyway. She is now engaged to be married in May, (to someone she 'met at work'). I am with someone else, someone more suited, we have 50/50 custody of the kids and live a stones throw away from each other. My mrs gets on with her, and I get on with my ex's fella. We go out for meals even!!! My point, OP, is that life will move on for the better for you and no matter how low you feel, it will work out for the best, you wait and see. Chin up blue brother. (Note to my ex: Although we get on, you're a fucking whore and Karma is round the twatting corner, watch and learn. You also owe me £7.50 for that madras!!!) Ahem!
Pigeonho said:
I feel for the OP, and the others who have ended relationships too. I was with the mum of my kids for 7 years from 00' to 07'. In that time we had bought 2 houses, raised the 2 kids, had lovely holidays and all in all appeared to be heading into a really good future. September 07' she took me away for my 30th and I couldn't have asked for a better life. Exactly 3 weeks later she came downstairs in tears, just as I was about to tuck into a madras too, and said she was unhappy. One thing led to another and she basically said she didn't know what was making her this way, but she had to go. I begged, (like a fucking idiot), for her to stay, and she agreed after hours of talking. A couple of quiet and egg-shelled trodden weeks passed and I asked her one night if everything was no ok, which she said it was. The day after that she came home from work and said she couldn't do it and left. That was it, no explanation, no remorse, nothing. To be left like that, like the OP, is something I have not got over and never will. The best part was that just 6 months prior, she signed a £150k mortgage with me! No-one gets unappy in 6 months, not to the point they do that anyway. She is now engaged to be married in May, (to someone she 'met at work'). I am with someone else, someone more suited, we have 50/50 custody of the kids and live a stones throw away from each other. My mrs gets on with her, and I get on with my ex's fella. We go out for meals even!!! My point, OP, is that life will move on for the better for you and no matter how low you feel, it will work out for the best, you wait and see. Chin up blue brother. (Note to my ex: Although we get on, you're a fucking whore and Karma is round the twatting corner, watch and learn. You also owe me £7.50 for that madras!!!) Ahem!
that is a great post. cheers mate. It seems that it happens all the time. Whats happened to me is nothing compared to some who have a house and kids etc.
Captain Oats said:
Pigeonho said:
I feel for the OP, and the others who have ended relationships too. I was with the mum of my kids for 7 years from 00' to 07'. In that time we had bought 2 houses, raised the 2 kids, had lovely holidays and all in all appeared to be heading into a really good future. September 07' she took me away for my 30th and I couldn't have asked for a better life. Exactly 3 weeks later she came downstairs in tears, just as I was about to tuck into a madras too, and said she was unhappy. One thing led to another and she basically said she didn't know what was making her this way, but she had to go. I begged, (like a fucking idiot), for her to stay, and she agreed after hours of talking. A couple of quiet and egg-shelled trodden weeks passed and I asked her one night if everything was no ok, which she said it was. The day after that she came home from work and said she couldn't do it and left. That was it, no explanation, no remorse, nothing. To be left like that, like the OP, is something I have not got over and never will. The best part was that just 6 months prior, she signed a £150k mortgage with me! No-one gets unappy in 6 months, not to the point they do that anyway. She is now engaged to be married in May, (to someone she 'met at work'). I am with someone else, someone more suited, we have 50/50 custody of the kids and live a stones throw away from each other. My mrs gets on with her, and I get on with my ex's fella. We go out for meals even!!! My point, OP, is that life will move on for the better for you and no matter how low you feel, it will work out for the best, you wait and see. Chin up blue brother. (Note to my ex: Although we get on, you're a fucking whore and Karma is round the twatting corner, watch and learn. You also owe me £7.50 for that madras!!!) Ahem!
that is a great post. cheers mate. It seems that it happens all the time. Whats happened to me is nothing compared to some who have a house and kids etc.

I thought that a few months after she walked out, that it happens alot. Thing with me is I came from an 'ideal' family, where my folks stayed together through thick and thin, and had never eveen contemplated a split with my ex. She went from having all that though, to having half of it and with her new fella she goes ghost hunting and shit like that, like fucking Yvette Fieldfuckinging. Even her own mum looks at her and doesn't know how someone goes from having a nice home, 2 kids, a nice car, a good job etc, all the bollox people say make a happy life, to being like she is now. Her choice though and I now look at it as she changed and grew out of what we had. My gripe is she could have fucking grown out of it 7 months earlier, before we commited the next 40 years to a massive mortgage, the slag!!!!

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