splitting up with mrs after 4 years...

Pigeonho said:
I feel for the OP, and the others who have ended relationships too. I was with the mum of my kids for 7 years from 00' to 07'. In that time we had bought 2 houses, raised the 2 kids, had lovely holidays and all in all appeared to be heading into a really good future. September 07' she took me away for my 30th and I couldn't have asked for a better life. Exactly 3 weeks later she came downstairs in tears, just as I was about to tuck into a madras too, and said she was unhappy. One thing led to another and she basically said she didn't know what was making her this way, but she had to go. I begged, (like a fucking idiot), for her to stay, and she agreed after hours of talking. A couple of quiet and egg-shelled trodden weeks passed and I asked her one night if everything was no ok, which she said it was. The day after that she came home from work and said she couldn't do it and left. That was it, no explanation, no remorse, nothing. To be left like that, like the OP, is something I have not got over and never will. The best part was that just 6 months prior, she signed a £150k mortgage with me! No-one gets unappy in 6 months, not to the point they do that anyway. She is now engaged to be married in May, (to someone she 'met at work'). I am with someone else, someone more suited, we have 50/50 custody of the kids and live a stones throw away from each other. My mrs gets on with her, and I get on with my ex's fella. We go out for meals even!!! My point, OP, is that life will move on for the better for you and no matter how low you feel, it will work out for the best, you wait and see. Chin up blue brother. (Note to my ex: Although we get on, you're a fucking whore and Karma is round the twatting corner, watch and learn. You also owe me £7.50 for that madras!!!) Ahem!

My favorite post of 2010, only 7 days old but a belter.............

seriously though fair play for being so civil, i guess kids determine how we react to situations, however personally i'd of stone cold stunnered the biatch and rock bottomed the new squeeze......meals? no fucking way
Zin 'messiah' Zimmer said:
Pigeonho said:
I feel for the OP, and the others who have ended relationships too. I was with the mum of my kids for 7 years from 00' to 07'. In that time we had bought 2 houses, raised the 2 kids, had lovely holidays and all in all appeared to be heading into a really good future. September 07' she took me away for my 30th and I couldn't have asked for a better life. Exactly 3 weeks later she came downstairs in tears, just as I was about to tuck into a madras too, and said she was unhappy. One thing led to another and she basically said she didn't know what was making her this way, but she had to go. I begged, (like a fucking idiot), for her to stay, and she agreed after hours of talking. A couple of quiet and egg-shelled trodden weeks passed and I asked her one night if everything was no ok, which she said it was. The day after that she came home from work and said she couldn't do it and left. That was it, no explanation, no remorse, nothing. To be left like that, like the OP, is something I have not got over and never will. The best part was that just 6 months prior, she signed a £150k mortgage with me! No-one gets unappy in 6 months, not to the point they do that anyway. She is now engaged to be married in May, (to someone she 'met at work'). I am with someone else, someone more suited, we have 50/50 custody of the kids and live a stones throw away from each other. My mrs gets on with her, and I get on with my ex's fella. We go out for meals even!!! My point, OP, is that life will move on for the better for you and no matter how low you feel, it will work out for the best, you wait and see. Chin up blue brother. (Note to my ex: Although we get on, you're a fucking whore and Karma is round the twatting corner, watch and learn. You also owe me £7.50 for that madras!!!) Ahem!

My favorite post of 2010, only 7 days old but a belter.............

seriously though fair play for being so civil, i guess kids determine how we react to situations, however personally i'd of stone cold stunnered the biatch and rock bottomed the new squeeze......meals? no fucking way

Its a matter of being civil for the kids, or going onto a rage which would result in murder. Don't get me wrong now, I had a go and made a fool of myself. When I found out who her new fella was, (she used to talk about him when we were together), I went mental. The kids saw me trying to get to the guy, who had locked himself in a bedroom, and shoving their mum to the floor in a total fit of rage, most of which I don't remember. Not proud of that, but it had to be done. My mates say i'm stupid for being so civil, but thats the way it has to be so we have this 50/50 situation remaining. It has taken until now though, some 2 and half years later, for me to be able to not give a fuck about her anymore, however I will remain eternally bitter about the finances she left me with, and will always be suspicious it was planned behind my back with this fucker from her work. It all has to be put to the back of my head though for the kids, as my daughter was scared of me aftr my tantrum, something which took a while to heal in her little head. One day i'll tell her what her mum did, when she's old enough, and she will then understand why it happened.
Have you tried smashing the back out of her sister, or even a friend of hers?

Won't do you any favours but she is leaving anyway, fuck it, she clearly doesn't give a fuck about you, not now anyway...

If it's meant to be tearing her sisters spine out won't be relevant in 2, 3 years...whenever she gets back...
Its a matter of being civil for the kids, or going onto a rage which would result in murder. Don't get me wrong now, I had a go and made a fool of myself. When I found out who her new fella was, (she used to talk about him when we were together), I went mental. The kids saw me trying to get to the guy, who had locked himself in a bedroom, and shoving their mum to the floor in a total fit of rage, most of which I don't remember. Not proud of that, but it had to be done. My mates say i'm stupid for being so civil, but thats the way it has to be so we have this 50/50 situation remaining. It has taken until now though, some 2 and half years later, for me to be able to not give a fuck about her anymore, however I will remain eternally bitter about the finances she left me with, and will always be suspicious it was planned behind my back with this fucker from her work. It all has to be put to the back of my head though for the kids, as my daughter was scared of me aftr my tantrum, something which took a while to heal in her little head. One day i'll tell her what her mum did, when she's old enough, and she will then understand why it happened.[/quote]

fair play mate, must of been hard, and chances are she was getting a seeing too ar work (O:(only messing), but the 1st chance i'd get the cu*t would be paying a visit to nemo at the bottom of the sea.
Zin 'messiah' Zimmer said:
Its a matter of being civil for the kids, or going onto a rage which would result in murder. Don't get me wrong now, I had a go and made a fool of myself. When I found out who her new fella was, (she used to talk about him when we were together), I went mental. The kids saw me trying to get to the guy, who had locked himself in a bedroom, and shoving their mum to the floor in a total fit of rage, most of which I don't remember. Not proud of that, but it had to be done. My mates say i'm stupid for being so civil, but thats the way it has to be so we have this 50/50 situation remaining. It has taken until now though, some 2 and half years later, for me to be able to not give a fuck about her anymore, however I will remain eternally bitter about the finances she left me with, and will always be suspicious it was planned behind my back with this fucker from her work. It all has to be put to the back of my head though for the kids, as my daughter was scared of me aftr my tantrum, something which took a while to heal in her little head. One day i'll tell her what her mum did, when she's old enough, and she will then understand why it happened.

fair play mate, must of been hard, and chances are she was getting a seeing too ar work (O:(only messing), but the
1st chance i'd get the cu*t would be paying a visit to nemo at the bottom of the sea.[/quote]

There's time mate! He is into ghost hunting and mediums. He has been 'told' that his life will end with a bullet to the head! He is one of those Special Constables and he is shit scared now that his days are numbered. (falls into a dream about how and when it will happen!!)
Pigeonho said:
There's time mate! He is into ghost hunting and mediums. He has been 'told' that his life will end with a bullet to the head! He is one of those Special Constables and he is shit scared now that his days are numbered. (falls into a dream about how and when it will happen!!)

it's like the prick is egging you on to do it. I'd put a balaclava on and get in the house some evening with a fake gun.. make it look authentic and that. Shit the fucker up big style.
Esteban de la Sexface said:
Pigeonho said:
There's time mate! He is into ghost hunting and mediums. He has been 'told' that his life will end with a bullet to the head! He is one of those Special Constables and he is shit scared now that his days are numbered. (falls into a dream about how and when it will happen!!)

it's like the prick is egging you on to do it. I'd put a balaclava on and get in the house some evening with a fake gun.. make it look authentic and that. Shit the fucker up big style.

that would be funny as fuck. youtube it too
Esteban de la Sexface said:
Pigeonho said:
There's time mate! He is into ghost hunting and mediums. He has been 'told' that his life will end with a bullet to the head! He is one of those Special Constables and he is shit scared now that his days are numbered. (falls into a dream about how and when it will happen!!)

it's like the prick is egging you on to do it. I'd put a balaclava on and get in the house some evening with a fake gun.. make it look authentic and that. Shit the fucker up big style.

Just gonna leave them to it mate. I look at her fall from grace and shake my head every now and then, and tell her exactly that as well. She is happy doing her thing, having her kids half the time and having her own time. I am happy with someone else who gives me a better replication of what I had, a family. WOuld be ideal if I had the kids full stop, but that can't be. What sort of made me snap out of my hurt was when her own family sided with me, and invited me and my mrs to their party! My ex got the slagging off of her big-titted life, and I didn't have to say one word, it was all said for me! On the other hand it was quite sad to see, my ex being vilified like that, but her fall from having 'it all' to this nonsense she does now is quite startling. Plus my new mrs swallow, so.....
Pigeonho said:
Esteban de la Sexface said:
it's like the prick is egging you on to do it. I'd put a balaclava on and get in the house some evening with a fake gun.. make it look authentic and that. Shit the fucker up big style.

Just gonna leave them to it mate. I look at her fall from grace and shake my head every now and then, and tell her exactly that as well. She is happy doing her thing, having her kids half the time and having her own time. I am happy with someone else who gives me a better replication of what I had, a family. WOuld be ideal if I had the kids full stop, but that can't be. What sort of made me snap out of my hurt was when her own family sided with me, and invited me and my mrs to their party! My ex got the slagging off of her big-titted life, and I didn't have to say one word, it was all said for me! On the other hand it was quite sad to see, my ex being vilified like that, but her fall from having 'it all' to this nonsense she does now is quite startling. Plus my new mrs swallow, so.....

I wouldn't give one flying fuck about my ex in a situation like yours. She'd be dead to me. I'd just drop the kids off and pick them up. It's the smarmy prick who was nobbling her at work, he sounds like a right shitbag. Into mediums and probably in touch with his feminine side.. what a wankery sounding bloke. I'd do the balaclava thing and make him shite in his pantallons, in front of her.

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