splitting up with mrs after 4 years...

Pigeonho said:
Zin 'messiah' Zimmer said:
My favorite post of 2010, only 7 days old but a belter.............

seriously though fair play for being so civil, i guess kids determine how we react to situations, however personally i'd of stone cold stunnered the biatch and rock bottomed the new squeeze......meals? no fucking way

Its a matter of being civil for the kids, or going onto a rage which would result in murder. Don't get me wrong now, I had a go and made a fool of myself. When I found out who her new fella was, (she used to talk about him when we were together), I went mental. The kids saw me trying to get to the guy, who had locked himself in a bedroom, and shoving their mum to the floor in a total fit of rage, most of which I don't remember. Not proud of that, but it had to be done. My mates say i'm stupid for being so civil, but thats the way it has to be so we have this 50/50 situation remaining. It has taken until now though, some 2 and half years later, for me to be able to not give a fuck about her anymore, however I will remain eternally bitter about the finances she left me with, and will always be suspicious it was planned behind my back with this fucker from her work. It all has to be put to the back of my head though for the kids, as my daughter was scared of me aftr my tantrum, something which took a while to heal in her little head. One day i'll tell her what her mum did, when she's old enough, and she will then understand why it happened.

Hats off to you sir! I wish i had been as grown up or as you when i was with my first missus but was only 20 at the time and certainly not mature enough! I ended up losing my daughter who is 27 next month and although I know I have a grandson have never seen him.
Trigger said:
Pigeonho said:
Its a matter of being civil for the kids, or going onto a rage which would result in murder. Don't get me wrong now, I had a go and made a fool of myself. When I found out who her new fella was, (she used to talk about him when we were together), I went mental. The kids saw me trying to get to the guy, who had locked himself in a bedroom, and shoving their mum to the floor in a total fit of rage, most of which I don't remember. Not proud of that, but it had to be done. My mates say i'm stupid for being so civil, but thats the way it has to be so we have this 50/50 situation remaining. It has taken until now though, some 2 and half years later, for me to be able to not give a fuck about her anymore, however I will remain eternally bitter about the finances she left me with, and will always be suspicious it was planned behind my back with this fucker from her work. It all has to be put to the back of my head though for the kids, as my daughter was scared of me aftr my tantrum, something which took a while to heal in her little head. One day i'll tell her what her mum did, when she's old enough, and she will then understand why it happened.

Hats off to you sir! I wish i had been as grown up or as you when i was with my first missus but was only 20 at the time and certainly not mature enough! I ended up losing my daughter who is 27 next month and although I know I have a grandson have never seen him.

Feel sorry for you mate, can't be easy at all that. I basically gave my ex no choice in the matter. I told her the way it was going to be with the kids, otherwise it would get messy and seeing as it was her who decided the fate of 3 other lives, she agreed to everything I requested.
Don't know if this will help but !!! there's a bloke on another thread who's missus is on her own at weekend because he's out shafting a piece he's chatted up.Maybe ,if u not what i mean ?
fallowfieldflyer said:
Don't know if this will help but !!! there's a bloke on another thread who's missus is on her own at weekend because he's out shafting a piece he's chatted up.Maybe ,if u not what i mean ?

Are you sayin that those two men should get together for some hot cock action??
PaulPowerShower said:
fallowfieldflyer said:
Don't know if this will help but !!! there's a bloke on another thread who's missus is on her own at weekend because he's out shafting a piece he's chatted up.Maybe ,if u not what i mean ?

Are you sayin that those two men should get together for some hot cock action??

he he he .if it helps.Modern times
lol. who'd have thought a thread about something so bad would also make me laugh so much.

Well i took the plunge and phone. Started off saying "look, im going out with the lads tonight and want to know what the score is, can i sleep with other women?" haha. She didnt take to kindly to that but by now i think she knows my humour.
Anyhow, she misses me, wants to see me but we both agreed that a bit off time apar would do us some good. just to think about things. But by the sound of it i think she does want to stay together. cant be 100% sure but i think she does.
I ended the convo by just saying give me a bell when your ready. And that was it. Feel a bit happier now.
Captain Oats said:
lol. who'd have thought a thread about something so bad would also make me laugh so much.

Well i took the plunge and phone. Started off saying "look, im going out with the lads tonight and want to know what the score is, can i sleep with other women?" haha. She didnt take to kindly to that but by now i think she knows my humour.
Anyhow, she misses me, wants to see me but we both agreed that a bit off time apar would do us some good. just to think about things. But by the sound of it i think she does want to stay together. cant be 100% sure but i think she does.
I ended the convo by just saying give me a bell when your ready. And that was it. Feel a bit happier now.

Reckon she may have spent the last few days getting absoulutely battered by a rugby team?
Pleased for you Captain Oates, but once again if you do go out on the lash tonight ..DO NOT TAKE YOUR PHONE.....after a few beers you will end up ringing her and talking nonsense. Trust me I have done the same.
swervin said:
Pleased for you Captain Oates, but once again if you do go out on the lash tonight ..DO NOT TAKE YOUR PHONE.....after a few beers you will end up ringing her and talking nonsense. Trust me I have done the same.

defo not taking the phone. i make that mistake too often. just gonna have a good time, sing some city songs, maybe get beat up by some rag bastards for it.
swervin said:
Pleased for you Captain Oates, but once again if you do go out on the lash tonight ..DO NOT TAKE YOUR PHONE.....after a few beers you will end up ringing her and talking nonsense. Trust me I have done the same.

This is sage advice of the highest order. I too have taken my phone out when arse-face left, and ended up texting, phoning, generally making an arse of myself whilst pissed. The signs are good, and it looks like the time apart, just this 2 days, may have made her realise the score. A bit more advice though, as unwelcome as it maybe, don't bank on anything and read too much into stuff. Sorry to be negative mate, but I did the same, read into things which weren't there and convinced myself and my family that my ex would be coming home. I was a total fucking wreck though so! If I were you I would go out tonight, leave your blower at home and forget about the whole thing until you get that call.

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