Sticking up for City on


Well-Known Member
28 Jan 2009
Man those guys get on my nerves so I had to jump in. They are going on about transfer speculation with us and Ribery, and how much he cost and just about everyone making a comment is having a shot at us.

My comment:
"Its ridiculous that anytime fans or journos or­ commentators talk about City, they just HAVE to mention­ how much each player cost. What about Berbatov? When­ UTD have games do you hear them say "...and its a­ shot by £31m Berbatov"? No you don't hear­ that. Madrid spending £200m on 3 players! Do you hear­ about how much Ronaldo cost every time he touches the­ ball? Its getting really old now. Move on to what's­ important. Man City are 4th with a game in hand. Man­ City are above Arsenal and Liverpool, with a game in­ hand. Man City are 3pts behind 2nd place UTD, with a­ game in hand. FOCUS ON THAT!"
Some people just have it out for us!

Shel (57) I came back for a peek to see if the­ intellect had improved, and thankfully saw your­ comment. (You seem to be the intelligent one amongst­ many idiots) To your argument,.. (it's plain to see­ you're an ardent MC fan) MU have bought all their­ players with money they have earnt. RM have spent money­ they don't have because their bank knows they have­ the assets to repay, and RM, at the moment is obviously­ being run by a bunch of high-marketing people whose­ sole purpose in life is to sell replica shirts and­ season tickets. Look again at RM,... BIG money­ signings, year after year, and still they cannot create­ the DREAM TEAM! WHY? Because they are a business,...­ not a FOOTBALL TEAM!


to which I answered

Phillip (58). I wasn't even thinking about your post when I wrote before but I feel now compelled to do so. You seem to stress on money 'earnt' being spent. WHAT?! 2009 DEBT FACTS: Chelsea £711m IN DEBT! Man Utd £649m IN DEBT. Arsenal £416m IN DEBT! Liverpool £300m IN DEBT and since you stress on Madrid - £300m IN DEBT!! The chairman of Man City Mr. Khaldoon said on the Man City website (video proof on city website) that CITY HAS ZERO DEBT! The money spent has been equity into the club and the club does not owe anything to Sheik Mansoor ala Chelsea owes to Roman. "Spending money they earnt" you say?! More like spent money they borrowed! UTD pay £62m PA on interest charges alone hah hah! Spending money they earnt you say! City will be in the top 4 this year and that means one of the top 4 will be in pain financially because they will not have CL money anymore and may have to sell their best players (Liverpool?) It also means that City will get better players to come with CL to offer and cementing their place in the Top 4. Take your pick Chelsea, UTD, Arsenal or Liverpool. One WILL go and THAT is the HARD TRUTH!

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