Stoke post match thread

Not really arsed about the result. I'd prefer us to have a poor result in the league and then win in the cup. League is Chelsea's and has been for a while.
Fuck off stoke you fucking inbred cünts. Why the fuck didn't you play like that against fucking Spurs?

That was fucking unacceptable gash from us as well. Crap decision to leave Sterling out. Navas should be finished at City, he's nowhere near good enough. Too complacent throughout except the last 5 minutes. Fucking garbage from everyone. I'm so fucking angry.

Fuck off stoke.
Agree with all this.

I'd add that Swarbrick pointing at his watch all game then adding on 1 minute and 4 minutes means that the game owes me about 5 minutes more. He was mugged off by Stoke players talking to him to distract him while they were fucking about all game let alone the rolling around. The time has come to play 40 mins each way with a timekeeper who stops the clock when the ball isn't in play or in motion.
KDB was poor. But he delivered three excellent crosses that should have resulted in goals. Navas didn't. He did nothing.
WOW really !! I remember in that first half Navas putting in two great crosses and what happened ? As usual NO fucker there.But your excuse is that Navas is to blame because we have no fucker who wants to break his guts and move into that penalty area.
Karen before the game hit the nail on the head !! Well said pet !!!
I was at the game and a lot of us were not too happy with the ref tonight. Obviously we had enough to win the game regardless but I'm guessing by the lack of comments on the ref that he had a decent game?

No the ref allowed Stoke to kick and foul our players as usually.

Also allowed a lot of time-wasting without adding it on at the end.
If Andy Carroll - 6'4" - would have had a hat trick - first half - from Navas's crosses.
We had nobody in the box.There were worse players on the pitch than Navas - in the 1st half.

Yes but he wasn't so why is he flinging crosses in like that. He's useless and always has been
I was responding to the post that says we need to buy players for Pep who can score against teams like Stoke. Ridiculous.

Surely you would admit the ability to have an offensive plan b would help in these situations? A Dzeko type would give Pep flexibility to work around parked buses, for example.

I do think that a lot of our attacking threat is lost on the fullbacks though. Attacking from the fullbacks is key in a Pep team and Clichy/Sagna don't have it. So improvements can be made there too.
Yours won't be a popular view on here but I somewhat agree with you. He had a good 2nd half at the weekend but other than that I can't remember the last time he had a good game.
He is rated so highly because his competition is Delph, Fernando and a 33/34 year old Yaya Toure and his dickhead agent!

Fernandinho himself is 31 and is coming to an end. Just like the fullbacks, central midfield is weak. Stoke outnumbered and out worked us with their narrow midfield setup.

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