Storm Eowyn

Walking the dog this morning and the amount of thick dick heads that put their bins out last night, completely unsupported, have seen all their rubbish covering the roads this morning

I know it's just a storm, but things like this do really make you further doubt the intelligence of the majority
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The lazy twats who live next door to me have had a discarded headboard leaning up against their “garage room” for over a month now.

This morning it has relocated itself to the side of the flower bed between our two semi’s. That is probably where it will stay for a good few weeks.

Anybody else with neighbours like that?
No, but got up to feed the dog and let him out. Looks like a roof tile down and smashed at the back door. I’m not sure it’s ours. Looks like it may be from next door’s roof.
Dog’s kennel relocated itself down the garden also. I thought I had secured it, but if that’s the worst, so be it.
It’s pretty wild out there but the rain has stopped. I secured everything I could in the garden yesterday, so things are more or less still where I left them.
Even the dog doesn’t want to go out.
Quick piss and straight back in.
we are in a red warning zone. What a bloody fright I got when the government warning went off on my mobile yesterday. Winds averaging 45-50 and gusting at over 80mph. Peaks from 10am-5pm today. Mrs has got torches, batteries, charges, flasks at the ready. Be glad when its over tbh, I saw what one of these storms can do at my local fishery a couple of years back. 100's of trees down like a giant had swatted a fly. One of them landed on the guys car writing that off. They spent months with a JCB pulling trees out the loch. Supplied firewood for the whole area though. Scary stuff.
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we are in a red warning zone. What a bloody fright I got when the government warning went off on my mobile yesterday. Winds averaging 45-50 and gusting at over 80mph. Peaks from 10am-5pm today. Mrs has got torches, batteries, charges, flasks at the ready. Be glad when its over tbh, I saw what one of these storms can do at my local fishery a couple of years back. 100's of trees down like a giant had swatted a fly. One of them landed on the guys car writing that off. They spent months with a JVC pulling trees out the loch. Supplied firewood for the whole area though. Scary stuff.
Keep safe blue

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