
It's Martin Tyler

Tyler's words remain at the same tone throughout words.

Quinn's tone dips at the end of each syllable

the Stupendous in question remains constant

If Niall had said it..It would have became deeper on the "dous" part.
Blue>Red said:
Damocles said:
Rammy Blue said:
From Ferran Soriano

Tyler spoke about it on SSN the day after the title win, why the debates gone on this long is beyond me
He never said he said Stupendous though. The old made up story from the Tylerites, why not try the lie about him saying it on talksport as well. All this bollocks has been disproved and Damocles is making shit up with his computer wizardry
Re: stupendous

Tourist since 1971 said:
Pam said:
LoveCity said:
100% Tyler for me, it's a follow on from his sentence and is pronounced without even a hint of an Irish accent. And it is said closer to Tyler's last sentence than Quinn's "The greatest moment I've..." line. There's barely a second between Tyler saying "snatch the title away from Manchester United" and "stupendous" and I'm pretty sure the guest commentators are trained to wait a few seconds more before commenting so as to not talk over the main one.


This is as good an excuse as any to watch it again. Thanks.
I agree it is good to hear again. Despite the email, it cannot but be Mr Q. As for guest commentators being trained, I am not sure that moment in time was one when anyone's training was much in evidence. As a lifetime blue I am trained to think that there is still time to fuck it up..... But not THAT day I didn't.
Not watched it for a good week or 2 now. Such a sublime finish with what must have been fucked legs at that stage. So much that could, (and with it being City, should), have gone wrong but not that time. Still get a buzz off it now like as though it is live in front of me.
Imagine that sinking feeling the United fans would have got watching that? Ha!
BoyBlue_1985 said:
Blue>Red said:
Damocles said:
Tyler spoke about it on SSN the day after the title win, why the debates gone on this long is beyond me
He never said he said Stupendous though. The old made up story from the Tylerites, why not try the lie about him saying it on talksport as well. All this bollocks has been disproved and Damocles is making shit up with his computer wizardry
The only ones who went onto the pitch were Quinnites. They must be banned.

And they can take their pants with 'em.
I know this is ancient news, but if anybody still cares I got the definitive answer from the horse's mouth, so to speak, today.

Felt like a bit of an idiot, but as we sit just a few rows behind the commentators I decided to give a short note to Mr T before kick off, asking him to confirm who said the 'S' word.

Rather embarrassingly, Martin read the note and clear didn't have a clue what I was on about, but he passed it to Niall, who clearly did.

I've always been 100% in the Quinny, but their response was that Martin didn't have clue and couldn't recall either of them saying it, but Niall was absolutely certain it was ......, drumroll - Martin Tyler.

Think I might be more sick about that than the 2 dropped points!

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