Sunday's Ref

Makes no difference they are all shit,he's one of the better shit ones!
Just as well Figueroa didnt get an equaliser last night ,otherwise that would've been more points refs have cost us.
Thenumber1blue said:
Makes no difference they are all shit,he's one of the better shit ones!
Just as well Figueroa didnt get an equaliser last night ,otherwise that would've been more points refs have cost us.

Will he turn up with his Rag shirt on? What's the best deal for MANUre? Nil apiece? Let's see what Howie Webbcam can make of it! I think that neither us nor Spurs will be happy with the outcome.

Here's to hoping that Howie can bring an end to crap refereeing of which we have seen substantial amounts over the last few weeks most of which has affected MCFC more adversely than others.
Sadly he is one of the better ones. The standard of the refs is abysmal but at least he tries to be nearly fair.

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