Swansea's Monk sacked (merged)

Gary Monk would make a very good assistant manager at Manchester City .
When Brian Kidd decides to retire, he could be the man .
Could be the worst move Swansea have made sacking Garry Monk .
Sacking a manager in December asking for trouble .
Ask the likes of Fulham who did it .
Gary Monk would make a very good assistant manager at Manchester City .
When Brian Kidd decides to retire, he could be the man .
Could be the worst move Swansea have made sacking Garry Monk .
Sacking a manager in December asking for trouble .
Ask the likes of Fulham who did it .

Good poem Baildon but you need to work on the rhyming words a bit. 6/10.
I'd love to see Uncle Avi back in the premier league, as proof that he's still alive if nothing else. Not sure I've seen an older looking 60 year old, he looks like Jabba the Hut if he lost all that weight.

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