Talksh!te .."Do Jong as bad as Cantona..ban him for a year."

Before calling people numpty's on here, can we please take into consideration who else is viewing the site.
It was a bad tackle, worthy of a red, I think he even admitted it. But the truth about it is that it was accidental. The amount of times he clears a ball with a high foot is unreal, but he does it as nobody is normally there, such as in the build up to one of Robben's chances. De Jong obviously didn't see Alonso coming, as he isn't that kind of player. Yes he can be reckless, but he is professional about it nonetheless, as we have seen week in and out for us.

Cantona on the otherhand delibrately assaulted someone, big difference...
de jong is a great player and a credit to our club.
one bad,mistimed tackle doesnt alter that.
everyone,who has ever played football has made a bad tackle,intentional or not.
The tackle deserved a red all day long but Nige is a player who will always give 100% in a 50/50 challenge, if people think he is a embarrasment to the club them I would rather have a hundred De Jong's making challenges like that on the pitch than one Joey Barton let loose off it, come on people get this in perspective.
They say things like that for exactly this. They want reaction, its the only way people are going to phone in.
talksport is a load of s***

as for de jong i would love him at goodison! if he was to leave city i'd offer a swap for pienar if you were still after him! but you would do well to keep him winning the battles in midfield to let your star players do their work! dunno why you lot are linked with all new players you already have a strong enough squad to challenge for the title you just need to let them gel together over a couple of seasons i just hope you still manage to fck up against us
I cannot believe that anyone listens to the programmes on there as a news or even an opinion station it is a money making machine. If you listen and think about what you get in an hour it amounts to 10 minutes of serious reporting and 50 minutes of rubbish. This can be broken down into a huge amount of advertising, subliminal adverts with company name checks, money making games such as how low auctions, games sponsored by companies and finally outrageous statements geared to get callers on the telephones.
It may not be everyones idea of a quality radio station but at least 5 Live gives you more sport, no adverts and any outrageous statements are down to 1 or 2 poor presenters rather than total muppets like Parry who wants to change the rules of football mid game by allowing a ref on that day to introduce the penalty gaol instead of the penalty kick as though it was a rugby match he was watching.
arlarse said:
dunno why you lot are linked with all new players you already have a strong enough squad to challenge for the title you just need to let them gel together over a couple of seasons i just hope you still manage to fck up against us

Thats the thing thought mate, I get people coming up to me everyday telling me that City are getting X or Y for £35 mill and how stupid it is to pay it. It barely every happens because it's just made up bullshit. It's similar to the idea I've heard floated that we're just signing players without thinking about it, Talksport in fact compared us to a "circus owner with a suitcase full of greasy £50 notes".

Ignore the rumours and concentrate on the facts. City have signed three quality international players for undisclosed fees.

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