
Wonder if anybody can help me? I bought a new phone a couple of months ago. iPhone 16 if that’s relevant?

Anyway, whenever I click on a link to a website on this forum, I get this


I access this forum via Tapatalk, again don’t know if that’s relevant?

Never had any issue on any of my previous phones, so I’m guessing there’s maybe some setting that needs turning off/ on maybe?

Any help appreciated.
I've just updated the Tapatalk plugin, so hopefully that will resolve the issue.
Anyone else using Tapatalk find it's throwing up cookie consent popups constantly? A right pain in the arse and it is just a recent thing.

I've deleted the app and reinstalled, hopefully that will fix it.
With Tapatalk you have to upgrade to vip in order to remove the ads.
They are offering it for 12 months $4.99 as a offer at present
I used to use Tapatalk however i now find the normal bluemoon forum website is really well optimised(?) if you just use a normal web browser on your phone.
My personal phone is an iPhone and it works great on Safari....my work phone is android and its also great on Chrome.....a few years ago tapatalk was better....but not anymore imo

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