Thaksin news

I initially thought this thread will last less than 3 pages somehow it go on and on. So let I have my real commend here, it is not from anything else but my own assessment.

In football, Thaksin is just a hungry man of popularity apart from his love of the game. It also drives him to make decision and do the job to gain popularity he desire. The results are the same things he done for his country. He never left anything neither City or his country in worse position than when he started the jobs. This is his philosophy to gain benefit for his own along with benefit to organization as a whole. he is adored by Thai people that is how people vote him back and for City we better leave him behind as he not do any harm to the club during his office.
Regarding Thailand, we are not a real democracy country it is a democracy in some decree that elite allow but cannot go beyond, whenever democracy is in high tide and go above their expectation they coup, almost 20 coups in 60 years is to say the least.
Don't think that army is the real problem, actually army is a tool, just a tool. Now a day they develop to 4 tools: Media, mob, court/army. First step is to stir the shit by controlled media then followed by elite supported mob (mob that no one dare to touch) and finally selection between using court or army to close the chapter. The next government will face this process again if they not obey to the old code.
Thaksin is a politics man who gain popularity from many successful policies. He may be good or bad or gray nobody know for sure but less dangerous than elite and above that manipulate country for decades. We have chance to take Thaksin and co from power every general election but we cannot take elite and above from power and they will haunt country for as long as they can, nobody knows when it can finish.
Right now the problem is more severe than before because it is time that a big change will happen in elite and above side so that they need a firm grip over the country and obviously need their people in office during the big transition and that is how the problem occurred and country is so divided.
As I've already said, Gary James is quite right that there is no black and white answer to whether Thaksin was good for the club. He certainly brought some drive and imagination to the running of the club, which had been sadly lacking for some years. He also increased our global profile dramatically.

But there are two interesting questions I still have. The first is that his problems started before the takeover so why were warning bells not ringing at the Premier League or in John Wardle's head?

The second is that the excuse of his funds being confiscated is often rolled out to explain why he didn't put any money in. but I know from someone very close to the takeover negotiations that he was asked to prove his financial standing and showed the people involved a number of accounts held off-shore (and therefore well beyond the reach of the Thai authorities) and containing somewhere in the region of $2bn. So how committed was he really to City?
Prestwich_Blue said:
As I've already said, Gary James is quite right that there is no black and white answer to whether Thaksin was good for the club. He certainly brought some drive and imagination to the running of the club, which had been sadly lacking for some years. He also increased our global profile dramatically.

But there are two interesting questions I still have. The first is that his problems started before the takeover so why were warning bells not ringing at the Premier League or in John Wardle's head?

The second is that the excuse of his funds being confiscated is often rolled out to explain why he didn't put any money in. but I know from someone very close to the takeover negotiations that he was asked to prove his financial standing and showed the people involved a number of accounts held off-shore (and therefore well beyond the reach of the Thai authorities) and containing somewhere in the region of $2bn. So how committed was he really to City?

I think the fact that he had "only" $2b available speaks volumes!

I understand that he was of the view that he would be able to access a LOT more than that, untill the Thai authorities clamped down.

You need a lot more than $2b to run a Premiership club these days!

Dubai Blue said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
Soulboy said:
So he cleared up Thailand's huge drug problems.

And he cleared up Thailand's huge child-porn problems?

And he improved the conditions for the poorer working class?

And he kept getting voted in by the electorate?

Yeah, he sounds a right bastard.

Told you, the internet is subjective. Believe what you want i do and thats how i come to my conclusion. Im guessing killing 89 muslims for nothing is okay then as well?
Right, this is why I hate getting involved in Thaksin debates because it really isn't as black and white as some people like to make out. Soulboy, he certainly did not clear up Thailand's drug problems, of that I can assure you. But, on the other hand, BoyBlue_1985, the Tak Bai incident to which you refer was carried out by the military; the same military that was in conflict with Thaksin for pretty much the whole of his time as PM and eventually overthrew him.

And using a PAD website to support any claims on this subject is more than a bit silly.

I agree but i wasnt going to trawl the internet for something that has been widely reported when soulboy could do it himself<br /><br />-- Wed Jul 06, 2011 3:36 pm --<br /><br />
Soulboy said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
Soulboy said:
So he cleared up Thailand's huge drug problems.

And he cleared up Thailand's huge child-porn problems?

And he improved the conditions for the poorer working class?

And he kept getting voted in by the electorate?

Yeah, he sounds a right bastard.

Told you, the internet is subjective. Believe what you want i do and thats how i come to my conclusion. Im guessing killing 89 muslims for nothing is okay then as well?

Have you ever read the history of Great Britain?

We have killed thousands of "innocents" and are still doing it as I write this...

We shouldn't be so condescending about how other countries are led when we don't have that brilliant a record with our own electorate.

I suppose when we "killed" many IRA members without trial that was justified... but those dodgy geezers in the Far East should be judged differently?

But thanks for the heads up on the site. It was nothing new, but ta all the same.

Look the counter argument of what this country has done is in no way effective to my argument because as far as i am aware The Queen does not own Man City nor does The Government, Thaksin did!!!
remoh said:
Frank the Yank said:
Say what you want about Thaksin but its pretty easy to see the majority of Thais STILL like him! This past Sundays results werte only the second time in over 60 years that a party has gained an absolute majority. Nuff said. If the military were smart, they would bide its time and see what this political neophyte, Yingluck, can do.......

Militaries are not usually smart though, are they? They are usually bought and paid for.
Well, there have been so many coups the past 60 years history proves you correct! Usually past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior. Time will tell.....

-- Wed Jul 06, 2011 1:44 pm --

bluethai said:
A funny fact in this Thai election is that the coup leader, who declared martial law, suspended the constitution, dissolved Parliament and ousted Thaksin several years ago, had set up a party and went in to this general election to compete with Thaksin's sister as well. The result? The ex-junta got just 1 seat while Thaksin's sister won landslide with 265 of 500 parliamentary seats!
BT-THAT speaks volumes.....<br /><br />-- Wed Jul 06, 2011 1:45 pm --<br /><br />
BoyBlue_1985 said:
Frank the Yank said:
Say what you want about Thaksin but its pretty easy to see the majority of Thais STILL like him! This past Sundays results werte only the second time in over 60 years that a party has gained an absolute majority. Nuff said. If the military were smart, they would bide its time and see what this political neophyte, Yingluck, can do.......

there is no getting away from the fact that he broke human rights on many occasions and for that reason i hate him. Didnt know anything before but after finding out stuff about him im appalled he was at our club
OK I will bite. I want to ask the same question as Soulboy. How much time have you spent in Thailand?? How many Thais have you actually spoken to about their country and its leaders???

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