Thaksin news

mammutly said:
Thaksin put no money into City.

His personal demands delayed the takeover. His face saving honoury presidency, that was quietly removed last year was a sop to his ego. I know something of the position of the ADUG at the time and it was not favourable towards Thaksin - they just wanted him out of the way and he made things very awkward for a time.

Whatever certain people inside the club might say or think now that things have turned out well, the fact remains that Thaksin gambled with the future of the club by reckless borrowing. With due respect to all concerned, the man put nothing into City.

Regardless of these views, it cannot be denied that had he NOT taken over, we would probably have never recovered from the position we were in, and in all likelihood we would currently be in the Championship, without a pot to piss in.

It cannot be denied the link between Wardle and Mansour was Thaksin.

You are kidding yourself if you believe otherwise.

At the time Thaksin took over we were all but broke. And at the very least Thaksin gave us another 12 months of credibility with a top manager and some decent signings.

He gambled, of that there is no doubt... but he also got gambler's luck.
Hatemanyoo said:
JohnMaddocksAxe said:
117 M34 said:
We owe Thaksin a lot .


Fuck him.

Didn't give a shit about City.

Totally disagree, if it wasn't for Thaksin Shinawatra, Sheik Mansour would never have bought City, Thaksin Shinawatra sold Manchester City Football Club to the Abu Dhabi Group, coz he knew it had all gone tits up, and he could not fulfil his takeover promise of putting MCFC back on the world footballing stage, so he sold us to someone who could, for that i respect him, and if that's not giving a fuck about City, i would love to see what he'd done had he give a fuck, do you think we would be where we are now had he sold us to Ray Ransom's consortium, i somehow don't think so, thankyou Thaksin.

My thanks, too. He never got a fair press, which to be expected with a basically socialist leader, but most of what he did for us led us to where we are now. (I didn't think he gave Sven a fair shake (Sheikh?))
The recent story of Thai politics would be incredibly thrilling and intriguing to me, if it wasn't so tragic. What an article... ninety thousand words, yet it seems no more than a hint at the extent of the challenges facing that beautiful and precious country, let alone an explanation of how it survived the impossibly horrific events that swamped the surrounding area in the twentieth. I wish all our Thai friends very good luck.

I have always felt that Thaksin is an extraordinarily capable man, but over time it's become very clear to me that he lacks the responsible, compromising and overwhelmingly cautious nature that we take for granted in our leaders. I know that Thailand is already divided, that more change is inevitable and will inevitably lead to division and dissatisfaction, but I hope your leaders realise that the most precious thing they can offer their citizens is safety. Keeping everyone from drawing their swords is sometimes an overwhelming need, and compromise and patience may be necessary.
moving a bit off topic but reminds me slightly of FIFA ie. big, established nations/companies/rich people want the power to suit their own agendas but the majority, the normal folk or small nations have the power to stop them to suit their own agenda.

I just think it's interesting the similarity between Thailand's political situation and FIFA, taking out any violence etc., just purely from a voting and ideology standpoint.
He's another part of manchester city folklore. How many other people say that they were invited to a party hosted by the ousted prime minister of a country.
He's another reason why I love city,
...and I could bore any one to death at a dinner party about Thai politics, all because I support the blues

-- Tue Jul 05, 2011 7:14 am --

remoh said:
Hatemanyoo said:
JohnMaddocksAxe said:

Fuck him.

Didn't give a shit about City.

I bet you read the Sun?<br /><br />-- Tue Jul 05, 2011 7:15 am --<br /><br />
remoh said:
Hatemanyoo said:
JohnMaddocksAxe said:

Fuck him.

Didn't give a shit about City.

I bet you read the Sun?
Hatemanyoo said:
JohnMaddocksAxe said:
117 M34 said:
We owe Thaksin a lot .


Fuck him.

Didn't give a shit about City.

Totally disagree, if it wasn't for Thaksin Shinawatra, Sheik Mansour would never have bought City, Thaksin Shinawatra sold Manchester City Football Club to the Abu Dhabi Group, coz he knew it had all gone tits up, and he could not fulfil his takeover promise of putting MCFC back on the world footballing stage, so he sold us to someone who could, for that i respect him, and if that's not giving a fuck about City, i would love to see what he'd done had he give a fuck, do you think we would be where we are now had he sold us to Ray Ransom's consortium, i somehow don't think so, thankyou Thaksin.

There are people on here that will tell you how wrong you are. He had no choice whatsoever we were used as a popularity chip in his political gain, once he had spent 3 years of our income(all of it taken in advance) and borrowed £40 million from a bank after putting exactly £0 of his own money in he had no choice as the club was going to be taken off him for nothing so he sold to again his OWN gain. The fact we won the takover lottery is not because he had the foresight to pick them out
mammutly said:
Thaksin put no money into City.

His personal demands delayed the takeover. His face saving honoury presidency, that was quietly removed last year was a sop to his ego. I know something of the position of the ADUG at the time and it was not favourable towards Thaksin - they just wanted him out of the way and he made things very awkward for a time.

Whatever certain people inside the club might say or think now that things have turned out well, the fact remains that Thaksin gambled with the future of the club by reckless borrowing. With due respect to all concerned, the man put nothing into City.

His final months at City were clearly desperate ones for him. His demands and exit strategy were only in his interests, that is fair. However, how much of this was influenced by the situation in Thailand and the freezing of 'his' assets? It is also not too much different to the way others have behaved - at the time Thaksin left City had several 'honorary presidents', some like Tony Book were deserved, some of the others were tied in with various deals and so on. Even Peter Swales negotiated something similar to what Thaksin got when he sold out (and yes, Swales was a Blue and had been there longer, but who ultimately did the longer-lasting damage no matter how much he cared for the Club?).

I have interviewed many of the key figures involved and heard lots of good and lots of bad about Thaksin. I was also present at quite a few of his meetings with City staff/managers and spoken with some of 'his' people. In all the early meetings he expressed nothing that suggested he would be in it for the short term. He was clearly not a football man, but some of his business ideas were at a better level - for City - than had gone before and aimed to have a long time frame, not short term 'to bring in a few bucks' thinking. They were minor in comparison with now, of course, but much better than some of what had gone before. So, I don't believe he put nothing in - he did put ideas in and he did make some staffing changes that were in the Club's long term best interests (and helped sell the Club in the right way at the next takeover).

I firmly believe today's owner and leaders are by far the best in the business now, and will point to lots of different factors to prove this (even though the media talk about 'ruining football'). It's not about the money, it's about the long term planning.

However, this should not detract from the transformation that did occur during Thaksin's time - some good, some bad.

As for Thaksin's own personal gain... obviously none of us can support that, but then I could talk about a few former directors, staff and so on who have treated the Club as if it was their own personal possession, not put anything in, and not worried about what they take from 'our' club. It could be viewed as a despicable act no matter who does it.

Gambling with City's future - Thaksin certainly wasn't the first and we still haven't fully recovered from the damage done in the late 70s-90s.

Delayed the takeover - yes, but again nothing like the stuff that had gone before.

Thaksin's reign at City changed the Club. There was some good and some bad. This is true of all our owners over the years - how many people on here still disagree about the successes of the Swales and Lee periods?

As I've said before, it's not straightforward. Circumstances changed for Thaksin during his period of ownership and that had an impact on his aims for City, resulting in what we saw in those final months. The politics/finance of another country should not impact on an English football club but I bet another club's owner will be impacted by overseas issues again in the future. Let's hope it's never our turn again.
Say what you want about Thaksin but its pretty easy to see the majority of Thais STILL like him! This past Sundays results werte only the second time in over 60 years that a party has gained an absolute majority. Nuff said. If the military were smart, they would bide its time and see what this political neophyte, Yingluck, can do.......
biffa said:
He's another part of manchester city folklore. How many other people say that they were invited to a party hosted by the ousted prime minister of a country.
He's another reason why I love city,
...and I could bore any one to death at a dinner party about Thai politics, all because I support the blues

-- Tue Jul 05, 2011 7:14 am --

I bet you read the Sun?

Yes, but it's better than the Beano. My only problem is that the other Sun readers in my secure institution aren't as impressed by my stories like "the time when I met the big famous man" as they used to be when I was part of The Under 13s Dandy Fan Club.

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