I was fucking forced to go to that tour by my wife -- Sarah McLachlan or whoever headlined. It was outside at Shoreline Amphitheater near SF in 1995 (I just looked it up). Beautiful weather. I was high as a fucking kite the whole time. Only really wanted to hear Suzanne Vega, and Sheryl Crow sing some of her hits, and had to wade through Indigo Girls and Natalie Merchant solo (never liked much about 10K Maniacs either). Never understood the love for Fiona Apple or Jewel. Understand it for Tracy Chapman intellectually (though Fast Car is a stroke) but not otherwise. If we're gonna focus on female artists, that Lucinda Williams record we had blows all of them off the stage. Except Sheryl Crow, who's hits collection is pretty incredible (but she hadn't written all her later stuff yet), and except Suzanne Vega. Da-da-da-da, da-da-da-da, da-da-DA-da, da-da-da-da . . . .