The Conservative Party

Your mortgage had to go up to DOUBLE HSBC’s profit.
Your gas bill had to go up to TRIPLE Centrica’s profit.
Your petrol and diesel had to go up to QUADRUPLE Shell’s profit.

Tory Britain; working to line their own pockets whilst bankrupting you…
Don‘t ever forget that, whilst the rapacious fuckers always want more, at the same time, they always want everyone else to have less..
Your mortgage had to go up to DOUBLE HSBC’s profit.
Your gas bill had to go up to TRIPLE Centrica’s profit.
Your petrol and diesel had to go up to QUADRUPLE Shell’s profit.

Tory Britain; working to line their own pockets whilst bankrupting you…
Don‘t ever forget that, whilst the rapacious fuckers always want more, at the same time, they always want everyone else to have less..
I’ve always said that the money that they lost during COVID, companies and the treasury, they’d somehow make back afterwards.

And they have, in buckets.
So, good news for anyone with shares in water companies and developers?

That said, some of the environmental regs are over the top. A new warehouse 12 miles from the M62 has to work out the effect of its vehicle emissions on the moss next to the motorway....
Failed on everything and now promising voters that what they say will be delivered.

Nobody could be so gullible, could they?

Conservatives haven't been able to implement their manifesto commitments because of Remoaners , immigrants and Lefty Lawyers.

so yes ..... people will still vote for them .
I’ve always said that the money that they lost during COVID, companies and the treasury, they’d somehow make back afterwards.

And they have, in buckets.
Can't they make it up from the £350 Million a week they are saving from being out of the EU? I'm sure the Leave mob can tell us where that money has gone.
Will nobody agree with me that bad though this government is, when they try to do things, they get blocked left, right and centre.

Suella Braverman has said this week that some charities are politically motivated activists masquerading as humanitarians. To back this up it is reported today that a former Home Office Chief (Emma Haddad) accused of resisting key Conservative policies while in charge of asylum, is joining Amnesty International UK - a charity that is on record as saying the government's policies are "inhumane, racist and divisive".

It is not just charities too: also in the news today: the Fire Brigades Union are threatening the Home Office with legal action over the safety of migrants who will soon be moving back onto the Bibby Stockholm barge. I actually wonder what the members of this Union really think about this, like other Unions it will be highly politicised (and on the left) in a way its members may not be. Plus, the barge used to used for Oil workers in Scandinavia I think, if it was safe then, why not now? Could it be the Oil workers had nothing to gain setting fire to their accommodation, whereas these new occupants may have (a return to Hotel living).
Of course some
So in 2025, when Keir Starmer tries to enact change, but he is blocked at every turn, will you be Ok with that?

We may as well not bother with elections and democracy if, as you say, "checks and balances are still working" - nothing will ever change!
In 2025 when beer karma tries to enact change? Omg you think this pandering idiot will be pm?

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