Shame everyone who didn't vote Tory is stuck with this shit show.
But Corbyn is worse? No chance, what a fucking waste.
Corbyn, that leftie waster commie twat, warned us all the tory party were going to sell off the NHS.
He got that right. The NHS Privatisation Bill is now threading it's way through parliament, and the Lords can't stop it because it was in their manifesto.
It will be schools next, and I'm not joking about that either.
Not a word about it anywhere, but the government will soon be able to sell your medical records without your consent to anyone that wants them to health insurance companies.
Those bastards have fucked the NHS up so much with their 're-organisations' the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing, and despite their claims they are giving more money than ever to the NHS, they have privatised so much of it, which now includes cancer treatment and care, there is now less money to spend on patients than there was a few years ago as profits for the private, tory donating companies, take priority.
Dental treatment by the NHS has been all but extinguished now, minor operations are now being denied NHS patients as the funding isn't available and they are being advised to 'go private', so the general perception 'we can't afford it' creeps ever further.
Those twats in charge can wear their NHS badges all they like while standing in front of the Union flag all day long, but it doesn't mean jack shit. Free health care is on it's way out.