The Conservative Party

Nope you and AHT were taking the piss about people being over sensitive to Lineker’s tweet and generalising it to cover the Jewish community in general or leading organisations within that community. That’s the impression I got whether that’s what you meant or not.
Nope you and AHT were taking the piss about people being over sensitive to Lineker’s tweet and generalising it to cover the Jewish community in general or leading organisations within that community. That’s the impression I got whether that’s what you meant or not.

So by impression you mean your own inference. No one said anything about the Jewish community in general.
You were the one who said something was antisemitic then said you weren’t qualified to say why.
In other words it sounds like you were taking the piss and posting shit as I suggested earlier.
It was the opinion given about similar rhetoric by expert commentators at the time, so it's not really an opinion for me to say "this looks like that".
Lost me there I’m afraid. I’d say this discussion is going nowhere.
It's not that difficult.

Someone likens something to Nazi Germany, and someone (maybe sometimes the Board of Deputies) says anything being likened to Nazi Germany diminishes the unique horror of the Holocaust, then someone says that's therefore antisemitic.

Then Braverman objects to someone saying her language is reminiscent of 1930s Germany, yet she keeps on talking about opposition to her policies as "fake humanitarianism" - which is uncomfortably close to how the Nazis viewed objections to sterilisation of mental defectives and murder of the disabled. See "Humanitätsduselei".
Nope you and AHT were taking the piss about people being over sensitive to Lineker’s tweet and generalising it to cover the Jewish community in general or leading organisations within that community. That’s the impression I got whether that’s what you meant or not.
That wasn’t my meaning at all.

I meant that if you try to tarnish Braverman by suggesting she uses 1930s language from Germany, then half of social media will campaign to get you cancelled, just like with Lineker.

I won’t even try to take the piss about you being over-sensitive to people being over-sensitive about Lineker’s tweet.

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