The Conservative Party

Paul Scully going head to head with Fergal Sharkey on Peston over water quality and Thames water - men against boys Scully has a small stick and Sharkey a sub-machine gun. Even on single shot rather than auto Fergal is destroying him
He has a good heart
Paul Scully going head to head with Fergal Sharkey on Peston over water quality and Thames water - men against boys Scully has a small stick and Sharkey a sub-machine gun. Even on single shot rather than auto Fergal is destroying him
The amount of money they’ve Osidge out to shareholders yet are in debt is staggering hiw the fuck can that happen, we need to take it all back into public ownership
Have you ever considered the idea that getting people into the workforce, having greater social interaction, greater levels of independence and so on is actually beneficial to people, rather than simply placing them on benefits and forgetting about them?

The reasearch shows that whilst that is not possible for some, for a decent proportion of people that is 100% the case (and will ultimately result in an ROI). it also shows that doing this requires very significant investment which needs to be distributed and controlled at local levels to assist in removing barriers to employment and supporting and regulating employers to do this. So pretty much the opposite of the shitshow we currently find ourselves in. I worked at a company that did this with a youngish lad with a conplex mental health diagnosis. It quite possibly saved his life never mind making him a more productive citizen but it took a huge amount of flexibility and goodwill from the employer not to mention taking a bath financially for periods of time.

So I'm all for a progressive policy that invests to create the environment where this can happen at scale for the people who will benefit. I hope you'll agree with me that there's no chance of that under our current government and so the first step is to rid ourselves of the venal, policy inept, centralisation obsessed, inequality increasing, incompetent tosspots we are currently burdened with?

Let's you and I walk hand in hand into the polling both at the next election and sow the seeds for that progressive and better world that we both want to see for the disabled people who will benefit from such an approach.
If you genuinely want full employment you need a socialist state. It may be inefficient, but every single person will have a job. It's called 'directed labour' and we had it in WW2.

Capitalism requires a pool of unemployed to keep wage inflation down and we ought not to be prissy about it, but acknowledge that: 'They also serve who only stand and wait.' When wage inflation increases, due to very low unemployment, as in the 1950s, the capitalists howl for more immigration as it means they don't have to put wages up.
To be paid £75 a week / 52 weeks a year to look after someone who is seriously disabled or terminally ill is nothing more than scandalous.

Just for completeness it's worth pointing out that if a carer earns more than £139 a week after stopages (last time I looked) then they are not eligible for that carers allowance irrespective of how many hours they look after someone.
Just for completeness it's worth pointing out that if a carer earns more than £139 a week after stopages (last time I looked) then they are not eligible for that carers allowance irrespective of how many hours they look after someone.
I think it is less than that amount. I know a full time carer on less than £500 state pension has been refused carers allowance

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