The Conservative Party

Is there anything in the rise of the far right in Sweden?
Saw an article on the news the other night.

He says there are a few nutters but its kinda like Tiny Tommy Ten Names and UKIP - people being given way too much prominence in the press - particularly overseas press. His feeling is that nobody there would seriously rock the boat and spoil the good thing they are on. When he meets Swede's socially they genuinely ask why is our country so fucked up and in business more than once he has been asked if given the UK situation is he there to seek asylum. They cannot comprehend what is going on here.

He is also looking into investing in a Swedish property company who is buying up British immigrants homes in Spain and France at bargain prices and selling them on to Swedes as holiday homes at a profit.
If Sweden is so content why are they close to having a extreme right wing party which emerged from the neo-Nazi movement ?

They’re not. They’ll have a right/centre right coalition as that’s how their system works. The extreme right party you mention got 20% of the vote so whilst they’re big, they need to horse trade to get policy over the line.

The reason they got the result they did tho is just pure populism. Whilst Swedes might have it good, like anyone they’re susceptible to being told they could have it better.
Do they have a system that when a person works full time, said person is still below actual living standard so we, the taxpayers, then contribute to get them to a minimum standard?

In other words, does the government allow stealth public funding of the majority of private businesses?
Not as far as I can ascertain. The process of collective bargaining to set wage levels appears to rule that out. The key phrase in all workplaces is work life balance, which on the face of it seems to work.
They’re not. They’ll have a right/centre right coalition as that’s how their system works. The extreme right party you mention got 20% of the vote so whilst they’re big, they need to horse trade to get policy over the line.

The reason they got the result they did tho is just pure populism. Whilst Swedes might have it good, like anyone they’re susceptible to being told they could have it better.

Being told we can have it better is what all politicians promise, left, centre or right.
Isn't it meant to be 20?

Put it this way - were Truss to get a poll lead of 0.000000001% many on here and in the press would be creating the illusion that the Tories had an unassailable lead - fact is the Tories are destroying themselves as they destroy the country and their supporters can't admit it like they can't admit other things
Only concern is how the left wing are too fractured - you got the Labour Party in a constant split about having a leader that needs to be a ‘proper’ socialist or more centred .. and then you have the Lib Dems, Greens and the SNP taking away what was Labour votes

Then on the right, all you really have is the Tories.
Only concern is how the left wing are too fractured - you got the Labour Party in a constant split about having a leader that needs to be a ‘proper’ socialist or more centred .. and then you have the Lib Dems, Greens and the SNP taking away what was Labour votes

Then on the right, all you really have is the Tories.
It’s interesting that on here and in the U.K. media we’re constantly told that other European countries are about to elect far-right or right-wing governments (e.g. France, Sweden, and now Italy), more often part of coalitions, yet because of the electoral system and the fact that the Tories actually constitute a grouping of disparate ideas on the right, the same terminology is not used. When you compare many of the policies and utterances of these parties, however, it’s arguable that the same descriptors could be used in Westminster, too. The same holds when people compare the left and the right.
Only concern is how the left wing are too fractured - you got the Labour Party in a constant split about having a leader that needs to be a ‘proper’ socialist or more centred .. and then you have the Lib Dems, Greens and the SNP taking away what was Labour votes

Then on the right, all you really have is the Tories.
Who are the epitome of togetherness………
In the first round of voting for a new leader, 50 MP’s voted for Truss. That’s 50 out of 359.

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