the economy.

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loved him.
what he did for our country was unbelievable.
I wouldn't go that far.

Austerity was a huge mistake. The target should be a rate of debt increase lower than the rate of economic growth and the rate of inflation combined during the term. Attempting to achieve economic equilibrium from a position of increasing debt during a single term was unsustainable.
The roads seem more fucked than ever pothole wise, when I go doctors I have to make an appointment to make and appointment pretty much. Fuel is still fairly high. The NHS is on it's arse and the next generation of doctors will more than likely fuck off. Disabled people have been pretty much persecuted and people need food banks. The prison service is about to collapse and the police and ambulance services have to pick and choose incidents like no tomorrow due to no funding.

On the flip side I pay less tax and have not struggled to find new work and we have avoided mass unemployment.

Personally I would rather pay more tax if it was spent well. All my own personal opinion obviously.
loved him.
what he did for our country was unbelievable.
Osborne failed miserably on every economic target he set himself.
Carried out economic policies based on social re-engineering of making the poor poorer and creating divisions in our society.
Disowned even by his own party now.
Osborne failed miserably on every economic target he set himself.
Carried out economic policies based on social re-engineering of making the poor poorer and creating divisions in our society.
Disowned even by his own party now.

So true.

The entire concept was to create a northern balance to London. Absolutely, that wouldn't benefit everyone in the north directly if you look at it in the short term. The benefits were generally for Manchester and were indirect elsewhere. Long term, however, imagine a city on the scale of London at the other end of England acting as a political and economic counterbalance.

It is a brilliant long term ambition.
It was a brilliant political sound bite.
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Don't forget the JAMs in your Autumn Statement Phil.
Maggie made a great play of it in her speech to the Tory party conference.
Assume that you will reverse freezes in in work benefits and raise starting point for personal tax allowances from 10k to 12.5k.
Cutting taxes for business and higher earners on the basis of the 'trickle down' effect to the poor isn't an acceptable argument any more, it just hasn't worked has it, as the poor have got poorer and the rich richer.
Maggie understands that, she said so in her conference speech.
Looking forward to your autumn statement.
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Don't forget the JAMs in your Autumn Statement Phil.
Maggie made a great play of it in her speech to the Tory party conference.
Assume that you will reverse freezes in in work benefits and raise starting point for personal tax allowances from 10k to 12.5k.
Cutting taxes for business and higher earners on the basis of the 'trickle down' effect to the poor isn't an acceptable argument any more, it just hasn't worked has it, as the poor have got poorer and the rich richer.
Maggie understands that, she said so in her conference speech.
Looking forward to your autumn statement.

Much of what you have said is quite wrong, there is no evidence that the poor have got poorer but rather the opposite. The average wage in this country hit it's highest on record this year at a time of the lowest unemployment rate so it is just an impossible argument to make. There is of course evidence that the rich have got richer but is that a surprise in a growing economy? The disparity between the two is growing though which is what I think you really mean.

Bar the disparity I don't really see the problem, we live in a free country where 'rich' people are the key to creating jobs and if they are richer there is a direct correlation between their growth in wealth and the poorest. Judging by the employment boom over the last few years I don't think you can say that trickle down economics is not working, I think you are trying to create an argument peddled by the likes of Corbyn which just does not support the facts. This is a man who will borrow billions at a time when inflation must be controlled against a devalued currency in the most economically dangerous time we have ever seen. Total lunacy but at least we will all end up on benefits to take our cut of it, I guess that is socialism.

The biggest threat to the poor is currently the ratio of wage growth to inflation, thankfully the latter has been stable but that is slowly changing. It is highly unlikely with a devalued pound and relatively more expensive import market that inflation will stay close to zero. That is the threat to the poor not to mention the vast majority of lower skilled jobs are in big import type companies such as supermarkets who are already being hit hard.

So on Wednesday I think we can expect him to announce as much for business as possible whilst the details of Brexit are unknown and it is vital he does so to protect the poorest who are employed by and directly rely on the strength of these companies.
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