The Greengrocer's Apostrophe

it's because of parallel universe's

the same shop co-exists, but in another dimension

go tell it to doppelganger didsbury dave..
Bluemoon115 said:
bagsy67 said:
I'm finding it hard to stay awake reading 6 pages of this thread, i think i'm slipping into a boredom induced comma.
Never occurred to you to stop reading and let the grown ups carry on with the thread?
Ragnarok said:
Another thread showing the arrogance of Didsbury Dave and his disdain towards normal people.He thinks that he is the end-all, be-all , and anybody else who isn't like him are worthless and should be wiped out from the face of the earth.
To be fair, if that's what he thinks then he has a point.
Bluebird1 said:
Unfortunately, as a PA/Secretary, I have spent all of my working life ensuring that the 'spelling' of reports/presentations etc 'is' correct.

It winds me up seeing things spelt badly and I have to take a deep breath and ignore it because I know other people don't see it as I do.

I can't even use text speech when sending a text. It's very sad:-(
You have spelt reports/presentations correctly and 'things' too (but does pa/sec. warrant capitals?
'Spellings' is more apposite, triggering 'are' .
Awaits summons from Jeremy Paxman (PB) to the headmaster's study
Harrod's is technically correct as it is actually implying Harrod's store but for reasons of space and convenience 'store' is omitted (not to imply it is a convenience store btw).
Soulboy said:
As per the Oxford English Dictionary...

Till - a less formal way of saying until.

Trust me mate, I had a lengthy argument going on with someone about this ( I actually spelled it "'til" and was told it was wrong!)... but it was finally agreed that either way was acceptable.

Unless someone knows different...?


I'd argue that 'Till' is a noun, and also its lack of an apostrophe denotes that it's not been shortened, per se.
However, the Oxford is pretty accurate, so maybe I'll admit defeat! I'll still use "'til", though!
I'm involved in editing an academic journal, and currently have 25 or so papers to format and edit. A few need very little tweaking, but you wouldn't believe the basic grammatical and spelling errors in most of them, not to mention the total failure of a few contributors to even remotely follow the style guidelines. A couple of people are going to get emails returning their articles at this rate, as I'm fed up.

Needless to say, some of the worst offenders are senior academics - bit embarrassing that a junior pleb like me has to do this for them.
quiet_riot said:
Soulboy said:
As per the Oxford English Dictionary...

Till - a less formal way of saying until.

Trust me mate, I had a lengthy argument going on with someone about this ( I actually spelled it "'til" and was told it was wrong!)... but it was finally agreed that either way was acceptable.

Unless someone knows different...?


I'd argue that 'Till' is a noun, and also its lack of an apostrophe denotes that it's not been shortened, per se.
However, the Oxford is pretty accurate, so maybe I'll admit defeat! I'll still use "'til", though!

Soulboy said:
Didsbury Dave said:
That's an irritating one, but it isn't permanently erected in 4 foot, illuminated letters as a permanent headstone for the English language.

It is. In my head. And it never gets any smaller.

-- Thu Sep 02, 2010 10:03 am --

scottyboi said:
There out of control these paddy's ;) lmao

Another one on a wind-up?

Or just can't spell either?

I go for the latter...

That's what the winks for lmao was taking the piss
johnmc said:
quiet_riot said:

I'd argue that 'Till' is a noun, and also its lack of an apostrophe denotes that it's not been shortened, per se.
However, the Oxford is pretty accurate, so maybe I'll admit defeat! I'll still use "'til", though!


Pwnt, surely?

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