The LA Wildfires

China are at the forefront of renewable energy, they're also at the forefront of fossil fuels and selling the world shite that we all lap up.
We're about to do a deal with them for their electric cars.

What could possibly go wrong...?

Back on topic. I wonder which big corporation buys the land cheap as fuck to rebuild the housing on to make it more "exclusive."?

Probably the same cunts that have done the same in the aftermath of the Hawaiian tragedy.
I'd volunteer for euthanasia to save the planet in a heartbeat I've seen enough at 57!
Ideally the planet's population would be much, much, much less.
Don't rule out another plague that kills immense amounts.
That seems like the only thing that could save the human race as awful as that is.
If you think we're worth saving which every time I go on X I don't.
History shows us that following events like this that lots of people working for the emergency services on the ground end up with all sorts of issues that affect their health down the line. Just hope this doesn’t turn out to be another one of those things.
History shows us that following events like this that lots of people working for the emergency services on the ground end up with all sorts of issues that affect their health down the line. Just hope this doesn’t turn out to be another one of those things.
Like the first responders at 9/11

Being the US they are gonna have to fight to keep their health insurance.
Matters are not helped by the way a lot of the houses are constructed.

Mainly timber frames and shingle roofs.
It's true on the whole -- enormous forest resources here and in Canada have led to framing with timber. Lightweight, strong and easy to transport.

The area that has burned has a lot of stucco and clay tile exteriors, and roofing materials have moved away from wood derivatives for a very long time (asphalt shingles are the significant majority of American roofs, and can be flammable but are also typically fire-treated).
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Like the first responders at 9/11

Being the US they are gonna have to fight to keep their health insurance.
Think it became true a couple of years ago that the number of NYC first responders who survived 9/11 but died of cancer is now greater than the number of first responders who were killed on the day.
I'd volunteer for euthanasia to save the planet in a heartbeat I've seen enough at 57!
Ideally the planet's population would be much, much, much less.
Don't rule out another plague that kills immense amounts.
That seems like the only thing that could save the human race as awful as that is.
If you think we're worth saving which every time I go on X I don't.
Seeing more about the 'birth rate crisis' in the West than overpopulation these days. Isn't a reduction in birth rates what we wanted?

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