The Labour Party

You are either anti-racist or not. You can't be anti-racist if you only apply those principles to people of colour but ignore them for Jewish people.

It's like claiming you're vegetarian but sometimes eat chicken. In that case you're not vegetarian. It really is that simple.
I'm not sure any of us are advocating that it's ok to be AS at any time tbh.
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Cannot see this ending well for the party, the report itself points the finger at inaction or slow reaction from the leadership, no action from Mcnicol (not suspended though) and two definate cases where it failed.
It also says Labour isn't institutionally

It really doesn't fully accuse or excuse anyone over the last 5 year period and suspending Corbyn while starmer sat by his side through it all will cause the rift he says he didn't want.
What I mean by that is it has enough labour were AS but also weren't for both sides to use it to argue over it's findings

Either way a complete shitshow no one comes out of well.
I've no doubt they wanted to suspend Corbyn, but the statement he came out with essentially made it impossible for them not to suspend him.

Must be loads of people thinking the same as me then. I was prepared to stay in and fight. Not anymore.
I've no doubt they wanted to suspend Corbyn, but the statement he came out with essentially made it impossible for them not to suspend him.

Yeah, and I expect some others if his friend come out defending him.

Not too arsed myself about it, bit it will split the party again and johnson amd his mob will get away to carry on killing us.
I'm not sure any of us are advocating that it's ok to be AS at any time tbh.
But there are those who won't dissociate themselves from some who were.

Don't claim to be anti-racist if you not only fail to recognise antisemitism, fail to condemn it, fail to disown those guilty of it and continue, in the face of independent evidence, to maintain it was nothing. Because then you show that you're very selective about being anti-racist. Not only that, you're minimising antisemitism and the impact it has on Jewish people.
Yeah, and I expect some others if his friend come out defending him.

Not too arsed myself about it, bit it will split the party again and johnson amd his mob will get away to carry on killing us.
There was never any chance of Corbyn's crowd not being split from the party as soon as Keith got elected, they were never going to accept him. The whole thing is a fucking mess.
This is one of the things the report found: “Our analysis points to a culture within the party which, at best, did not do enough to prevent anti-Semitism and, at worst, could be seen to accept it.”

To me, that's as close to saying it was institutionally antisemitic as you're going to get, without actually saying it.
As Rascal said, most of the findings only involve a very small minority of the membership and Labour has a very large membership. I wouldn't say then that there is institutional anti-semitism within Labour nor are there any findings that directly suggest this.

We have a friend who campaigned to be a Labour councillor and is a Corbyn nut (we disagree a lot!!) but I can only imagine she would be disgusted by this news. Now whether she'd still defend Corbyn (as denial) I don't know but that's the cult and for me the most problematic part of the ex-leadership.

There is a question as to how deep this goes and I don't think anyone will truly ever find that out but nothing would surprise me. Labour need to move on quickly and impose robust policies so suspending Corbyn who claims it was exaggerated is probably the best thing Starmer could do.
Corbyn should start a breakaway party and those who believe in socialism, open borders, a united Ireland, anti-NATO and all the other things he believed in can join. He can take McDonnell, Abbott, Burgon, Butler, and others with him and see how popular they are electorally and whether he really did win the argument or whether it was just Brexit that was responsible for 2019. I suppose that's the beauty of democracy so if you are a Corbynite, not all is lost.

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