The miserable old bastard thread

Go on holiday only to me mithered every 2 minutes by those twats selling sunglasses. Yes I know you have to make a living but fuck me there's hundreds of them every corner you turn. Try to ignore them and they take offense. No escaping them.
just seen this topic its right up my street, now 54 and a right miserable bastard and to be honest i am enjoying it, its good to moan at anything that pisses you off, come to think of it 99% on here must be over 50 with all the moaning they do.

Make a contribution then instead of just passing comment young 'un.
just seen this topic its right up my street, now 54 and a right miserable bastard and to be honest i am enjoying it, its good to moan at anything that pisses you off, come to think of it 99% on here must be over 50 with all the moaning they do.
Fuck me; you are old.

I'm 53 at the weekend; watch Swansea fucking ruin it for me.
I was in JD today waiting for two pairs of trainers for the boys. Stood there for ten minutes and the cnut who I asked to get me the shoes waltzes passed me I ask him "where are the shoes I asked you to get" " I forgot" he says. I felt like killing him.
OK this is true.
I rang a store the other day to ask them if they had a certain door handle in stock, a girl answered the phone , it went like this;

Me...Hi Im ringing to see if you have an item in stock

Her...hang on I'll just go and check

she disappears for about 3 minutes we sold out

Me...I haven't told you what the item is yet

her...........giggles and says oh right

In other words she just put me on hold while she probably checked facebook


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