The most depressing film..

Bill Walker

Well-Known Member
24 Dec 2006
Down under
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I think I've just watched it.

I'd nominate Harry Brown as probably the most depressing film I've watched.
Makes you shudder when you think there are places like that.
I mean I thought it was very good but god so depressing.

I'm sure there are plenty more that would qualify.
Eraserhead depressed and horrified me first time watching when I was about 13. I've seen it since and it still has the same effect. Good though.
Million Dollar Baby. My girlfriend at the time fell out with me for putting that one on. The relationship never recovered from it.
come and see makes harry brown look like paddington
I've seen that mate, it's a depressing war film.
I think what depressed me about Harry Brown was imagining some lonely pensioners living on estates like that being shit scared to go out, especially at night, it seemed so fucking depressing that some people live like that in wealthy countries.

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