Absolutely spot onBercow failed in the biggest single requirement of the job. To remain unbiased and impartial.
It wasn't his job to stop anybody including Johnson from "running wild". It was his job to make sure the house rules/procedures where obeyed.
I shouldn't know what his political leanings/agendas were. He completely overstepped the boundaries of the job.
His own ego to leave a legacy/mark in history seemed to his driving force.
This is what matters for the role of speaker and therefore Bercow was a clear failure against any objective measure.
I posted a link to the key responsibilities of the Speaker some weeks ago - clearly evidencing that Bercow was a failure
Of course some on here will laud him as some form of Westminster hero that defended the integrity of the house - that can only be because - due to their clear bias/agenda they have made no effort at looking at his performance with objectivity
All this bollocks about 'stopping Johnson' is just more out and out whataboutery to deflect from the failings of Bercow