The Owners/The Board [Merged]


wrong, maybe

but how was this handled badly? once they decided, they did it as quickly as they could, they didn't leave him hanging out to dry. it would have been plain irresponsible to get rid of him before a replacement was lined up. it's always ugly when someone is sacked but hughes went out with his head held high, on a win and a wave.

I know he's had some bad luck, but I am suprised he wasn't given the next few games to turn it around, but you could see today just what is wrong with us... complete defensive chaos. I can't agree with those who think it would have been easy for Hughes to sort out. It was first highlighted after the derby: over the last 6 weeks it has got much, much worse.

I also wonder if he was having problems in the dressing room. I'm not convinced that he had much support. Players aren't idiots. Succesful professional football teams are built from the back. The defenders have been made to look like complete idiots, and the forwards have repeatedly turned in incredible performances but still ended up without the win. Let's not forget we have the best goalkeeper in the land, but still managed to concede 15 in our our last six, many of those to very poor teams. I also think his behaviour in this time has been a little odd, his interviews and statements have been at times poorly judged, he's picked some silly fights, and made a lot of excuses. He was extremely agitated in the Arsenal game, he looked a bit out of control.

After a great result and performance against Chelsea we went straight back to square one against Bolton, were we were unlucky, tenacious, brilliant in attack and shocking in other areas. Everything came to a head in the crucial Tottenham game, and it was probably the final straw when his glaring, inexplicable failure to address their threats led to an abject performance and result. The performance of individual players was shocking on the night, which may excuse him, or suggest they felt let down by him. Personally it sat very badly with me that he blamed the Tottenham defeat on the players, when we all know his gameplan put some of them in an impossible position.

Happily today he was back to his dignified self.

Player problems, excuses, defensive lapses, bad line-ups. These are the same problems that dogged him a year ago, and he was responding in the same way, shifting the blame onto the players, and seeking security in more expensive 'premiership proven' players. It was a recipie for a bad situation, another 5 months of bickering and infighting, whilst he fought to stay in the job. It was looking unlikely he could reignite the season, we risked alienating more players, and there was no prospect of any real work being done for the long-term.

He said 'give me my own players and staff, and it will be different', but the same problems were emerging, the same quick fixes were being sought.

We are talking about hundreds of millions of pounds of someone's money.

If they felt uneasy about giving him any more, I think I understand that fully.

They call the shots. They gave him an unbelievable professional opportunity, and they have the right to decide it's not working out. They could have treated him infinitely worse, humiliated him, dragged it out over months whilst they courted others. As it happens he left on a good note, and on the face of it the win makes the decision to remove him look particularly harsh.

Having said all of that, I am not convinced about the appointment. We'll see. I hope we improve tactically and technically, that our transfer horizons now extend beyond the limited pool of established, mature, phsyically capable premiership players who are available at that time. We have too many good players who don't fit together. A few genuinely technical players and a world class defender might be the missing links that give us 1 or more genuinely balanced, competent, tight formations. We have to start taking control of games and shutting out opponents, rather than being nicking the odd winner in a chaotic free-for-all. Maybe Mancini has some ideas on this. He's been on gardening leave (for contractual reasons) for a long time, and he will have been watching us closely for over a year. And he speaks English, don't worry about that. If it doesn't work out, so be it, but it's worth trying something different at this point.
Re: might pop back to the ground

de niro said:
Freestyler said:
no disrespect fella, but it's just gonna be silly, the decision has been made, the last thing they want is fans getting on the boards back, we have a new manager, get behind him and we all move on together.

course i will, will always back the new man and the players but the way we have gone about this has made us look right tossers.

hughes is'nt daft, neither am i , a change had to be made but should have done it with more class.

still, can't wait for stoke game now :)

yeh i see what you mean mate, anyway i can't wait for the stoke game, the manager thing to me just gives the club a breathe of fresh air.
Re: some of you on here are completely overeacting!

We've had knock backs before and survived. The decisions been made and we can do nothing about it. We have to ignore the crap that's coming our way get behind the club and give Mancini and Kidd our full support.
Re: Let's back our owners.

I'll back them all the way. Like it or not they are far more important to the future of our club than any manager or player could ever be.

Although things could have been done better today it's as well to remember that Hughes was never an ADUG appointment so frankly they owed him nothing.
Re: might pop back to the ground

Freestyler said:
no disrespect fella, but it's just gonna be silly, the decision has been made, the last thing they want is fans getting on the boards back, we have a new manager, get behind him and we all move on together.

Are you for real?

After all the shit threads you've started and all the abuse you've given to anyone who wanted to back and support Hughes you now come out with this?

You're a piece of work.
Re: Let's back our owners.

Let's not

They are a disgrace, i can't identify with this club any more
Lets remember

if it wasnt for the present owners we would probably be in administraton and following Leeds down the drain.

Up until today they have been seen to do the right thing. City was a club that shared my own values and the Arabs gave me something i could believe in.

They have now been proven to lie and their integrity has evaporated, this is no longer a club i feel i can support, they've gone about this in completely the wrong way.


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