The PA guy again



This guy is still doing my head in the way he MC's our games. He has no clue whatsoever on how to be the voice of the stadium. On Saturday, a minute or two before the game kicked off, as both sets off fans were belting out their songs, the players kicking the ball about waiting for kick off, the sun shining down, he presents Tevez with the PFA fans player of the month award. Now instead of just saying "Ladies and gentleman, being presented pitchside with the PFA fans player of the month award for March, please put your hands together for number 32 - Carlos Tevez" which would of took no less than 10 seconds, he took an enternity which felt like a minute but was probably no more than 30 secs on jibberish about the award which didn't need to be said, added to the fact that he could not be heard which was pointless.

Plus aswell he takes an enternity to read the teams out which for lesser games, poor De Jong and Kompany hardly get a response from the crowd. All that pre match buzz and excitement is ruined by the guy on the PA. I don't know whether it was in our last game or the one before that, or if it was the same guy or another one but he read the teams out so quick that each name was given a loud cheer by the crowd and added to that pre match buzz you get.

You might think "fucking hell of all the things to moan at" but it's a real bug of mine but i go to the games buzzing and full of excitment and then it's gone before the game has even kicked off as the guy has zapped it all out of me by being so slow and talking pointless drivel. I've even started getting to the ground just before kick off because it all annoys me, the pre match interview on the screens which you can't hear a thing, the constant talk on the tannoy about nothing at all, i just get in now for the Pride in Battle video (which gets me going for the game) which i never used to do, i used to get in there 45 mins before kick off, read the programme, watch the players warm up, have a pie and a pint and sample the pre match atmosphere but thats gone now.

I'm sure he is a nice guy and he would be a good public announcer for the MEN Arena or the Trafford Centre but not a football club.
Totally agree. You're dead right about his stupid speech too.

But it isn't just him, it's the whole bloody PA.

Turn the fucking thing off a few minutes before kickoff. Let the derby atmosphere build.

WE used to be singing on the terraces from 2pm onwards, back and forth.
Regarding the sound system in general, in 106 the music is sometimes so loud it is difficult to talk to the people around you, yet when announcements are made they can be indistinct and unclear.
sweynforkbeard said:
Regarding the sound system in general, in 106 the music is sometimes so loud it is difficult to talk to the people around you, yet when announcements are made they can be indistinct and unclear.

In tier 3 it drowns out everything.

Pisses me off. It;s football, not ice hockey. I don't need my eardrums perforated by some cheesy house tune or 90s Madchester track.

I'll put them on at home if I want to listen to them.

It's football, I don;t want to dance.
What grinds my gears is the way he talks over decent half time tunes, its always the best ones never the shite.. must be intentional so it proves he's got a shit taste in music an all..
I'd hate to see how he dresses.
agreed, just kills everything.

I used to get in the ground 30 minutes before, i now go in about 2 minutes before the pride in battle video which i really like.

normally get in about 10-15 minutes before KO now.
Freestyler said:
agreed, just kills everything.

I used to get in the ground 30 minutes before, i now go in about 2 minutes before the pride in battle video which i really like.

normally get in about 10-15 minutes before KO now.

I actually just get through the turnstile at kick off so I don't have to listen
i agree with everything here, the club need to understand the link between a good pre match routine and a decent sustained atmosphere...

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