The Platypus. It ain't no lion.


Well-Known Member
30 Mar 2009
I remember a song about this lil fella from primary school(I expressed an interest so got given a ladybird book about it) and I think it turned up in yr 1 secondary school biology, It got a moody mention about being the only mammal laying eggs(twas true i guess back then) in animal classification.

Thing is, I asked my 14 yr old son and 10 yr old son about what they know. Is it that thing that looks like a duck and is it a type of beaver that lays eggs were the respective answers. the younger of the two meaning he had at least had a covering of it.

Lays eggs
lives in water
feeds milk to its young
doesn't have tits

I love the big cats, but the weird little fucker could be used to inspire a whole new generation to look at something older, and lets face it something is missing somewhere .

Not an exciting thread but eh oh
This lil darling should be taught first and foremost. The eloquence of evolution in one animal. Pillars and crosses my arse
think i may have done in the zoo in the 70's but could be a false memory.

I know they are not primed for popularity, but if i life lesson can't be worked into the ugly interesting mammal, i'm not a leftie
Mate, saw three of the little platy's in tarronga zoo Sydney. Just down from the wombat pen. They are fair dinkum mate.
Mate, saw three of the little platy's in tarronga zoo Sydney. Just down from the wombat pen. They are fair dinkum mate.

Education is wasted on the young. teach em to avoid an unwanted bumming and to carry stuff. by 20 they should have grown bored of being cunts

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