The true secret of Leicester City's success / doping thread merged

The good news is that we know City players are not being mentioned. If they were there would be a joint UN/FIFA/EUFA/FBI/KGB and MI5 investigation underway already.

Nah too many of those are impartial, they'd just leave David Gill in charge of the investigation again.
There's a lot to say so I'll let their head of performance talk about it:

No mention of doping of course...

I'm still not convinced though. He did mentioned some stuff like allowing more recovery time and making use of training data and monitoring the diet and cryotherapy, but then I thought these have become standard management in sports medicine? You would think that the other PL clubs would be doing the same.

Agreed that it may have something to do with less crowded fixtures though, but their schedule was largely the same as last year, and they have more players as internationals this year. Thus I still think it is quite suspicious. Better investigate the whole PL as well as Championship once and for all.
I find the notion of individual players doing it to be perfectly plausible, but a whole squad? That's got too many variables in it for things to almost inevitably unravel very quickly. Fall outs (over money or team selection) followed by blackmail and extortion and what about those players who simply said 'no'. It's hard to imagine a whole squad of 25 going along with something with serious question marks about its long term health effects, which would impact on their future earning potential and reputation in the likely event it was eventfully exposed. Like pretty much any conspiracy it would only be as strong as the weakest link.

I'm inclined, on balance, to say no, not because of any faith in human nature, or any lack of cynicism on my part, but because of the practicalities involved in such an arrangement and the overriding capacity for it to fuck up royally.

Many thought the same about Armstrong; that he was a lone wolf, yet it later transpired that virtually the whole of the US Postal team were “in”. And this was replicated right throughout the peloton as whole teams were "super-charged". Very few professionals opted out (it meant getting left behind from the gun, which meant no wins and no wages). And those that did ever speak out were, to use the cycling vernacular, accused of “spitting in the soup” and were essentialy quietened with little public outcry. The law of omerta was massive; nobody spoke out.

EPO was and still is to a smaller degree, the curse of competitive cycling. When micro-dosed, it’s very, very difficult to detect. Whilst it wouldn’t give a player bionic powers, super speed, what it does do, is allow a sportsman to train. And train. And train. With very little impact, ie normally a player would need to ally their training with the usual sleep/rest. EPO allows the human body to become almost impervious to the fatigue normally associated with top-class sport. It’s why it became so popular in cycling, one of, if not the ultimate endurance sport, where fatigue is a constant companion, especially in the 3 week grand tours (the pinnacle of the sport).

Would it surprise me to see it being used in top-flight football? Absolutely not. I’d be more surprised if it weren’t being used. It ticks a lot of boxes:

Easy to get hold of
Hard to detect
Positive impact on performance without raising too many eyebrows (a la Ben Johnson 100m run)
Negligible/no long term effects

Don’t think it’s a hard thing to arrange GDM. It isn’t. And wasn’t for the hundreds of cyclists who systematically used it. Daily. For years. I’ll hazard this is the opening salvo in a debate that will run and run (pardon the pun).
I'd just like to say a few people have said they suspect Leicester of doping over the past few months and have been laughed at and belittled.

You'd have to be so naive and deluded to not suspect anything when City constantly have 20 injuries and Leicester, Spurs, Liverpool and Chelsea never have any and can run through brick walls with the same 11 and no injuries all season.
You'd have to be naive and deluded to believe that doping somehow gives immunity to injury.
Whilst various doping programmes give benefits from stamina levels to muscular development, almost all are likely to cause a increased likelihood of injury due to the stresses and strains put on the individuals body.
You'd have to be naive and deluded to believe that doping somehow gives immunity to injury.
Whilst various doping programmes give benefits from stamina levels to muscular development, almost all are likely to cause a increased likelihood of injury due to the stresses and strains put on the individuals body.

Steroid hormone treatment and EPO lead to increased cell regeneration and lessen the stresses and strains on the body. That's kind of the point of taking them, you can train and play longer with less rest without getting injured.

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