The true secret of Leicester City's success / doping thread merged

You've really got to start questioning what Ranieri put into the Leicester lad's pizza.

Who's the guy giving Schwarzer a hand job under the table?
I don't think any sport is as morally bankrupt when it comes to cheating as football, so it does seem "surprising" that no one ever gets caught using PED's. When you've got nations helping fake the age of players, people diving all over the place, holding their face knowing that they are on camera and that everyone will see that nothing touched their face, bribing and threatening referee's and just about every other kind of cheating going, it seems incredibly naive to think that PED's aren't absolutely rampant, especially given the incredibly lax drug testing in football and the amount of money at stake.

Hopefully we'll get a baseball style inquisition and the truth will be uncovered, with all the hilarity that brings.
Steroid hormone treatment and EPO lead to increased cell regeneration and lessen the stresses and strains on the body. That's kind of the point of taking them, you can train and play longer with less rest without getting injured.
Right and wrong,while these treatments do aid cell regeneration they increase the stresses and strains on the body but in turn improve the recovery time from these injuries
When a team wins the league by having absolutely no major player injured all season, I'm always a little suspicious.

Chelsea last season was ridiculous - 4 completions but NONE of their big players got injured at all. Terry went from unable to play 3 games a week to doing it regularly at aged 34. A team to go from how they were last season to how they were at the start of the season was incredibly dodgy.

I imagine this will get swept under the carpet very quickly.
They have the least possession and one of the worst pass completion ratios in the PL. Yet they're top. They were one of the least fit teams last season (or for most of it) yet they suddenly morphed into one of the most fit. While no amount of drugs can turn Vardy into a lethal striker or organise a defence, do people not find it a bit odd?

Teams are 5000-1 to win a title for a reason....they have no fucking chance and the bookies know that.Their owner is from the far east where most of the dodgy bets seem to originate and their fitness levels are almost superhuman, non stop all game.No teams can normally sustain that,even commentators and the experts say,''They can't keep this pace up all game,they will tire soon.''....only Leicester don't.It does make you wonder......

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