The true secret of Leicester City's success / doping thread merged

How about this - we let footballers take all the performance enhancing drugs they can stuff in them, then sit back and enjoy the 7-6 scorelines... ;)

In seriousness PED use has to be rife in the game, sport in general....hard to believe it isnt as people are always looking for an edge.

It will be interesting to see if we get any actual details and if there is any actual fallout, or are we just dealing with rampant speculation.

As much as I like a 8-7 scoreline;), there is a reason why these drugs are illegal. It is not just a matter of fairness, but also one of health. There are lots of long-term side effects like increased risk of cancer and stroke (for EPO), as expected when you are taking growth hormones and steroids. But in terms of short-term benefits, they can enhance one's stamina and endurance. Thus, one can push oneself harder in trainings and matches before one succumbs to fatigue or injury.

I think PED use does warrant significant concern. There is no way that football is clean when we know it is as dirty, if not more, than cycling or tennis.

In a time when more and more emphasis is put on the pace and distance at which footballers run, fitness is of paramount importance. Some studies find a positive relationship between the distance covered in high-speed sprinting and match performance, though it may be affected by playing style, e.g. possession-based teams are able to perform less high-speed sprinting and win more than those who like to play long balls. But anyways, they all reflect why there is a greater incentive than ever to use performance-enhancing drugs in football.

One can of course argue that advances in sports medicine enable that to happen, but the human body has its limit and there is only so much one can do to improve strength and stamina whilst staying within legal limit. So the more and more ridiculous running statistics nowadays, not just in the teams mentioned by the Times, but across the whole footballing world, only makes me more suspicious.

That is not to say everyone in football dopes though. However, to believe the issue is conspiracy theory or insignificant enough to warrant a thorough and transparent investigation is equally delusional. At least that is my opinion.

I hope we actually get details, be it a proof that the footballers accused are innocent or one that pushes the sport into darker abyss. They need to be addressed, whether we are willing to believe it or not.
I wouldn't count on it anytime soon. Too much money at risk, particularly in light of the new deal for next season. No way will they want a tarnished product.
Isn't the fact that these rumours are out there tarnishing the product anyway. I for one believe there is something fishy about this season, as someone else has said you don't overnight go from relegation fodder to winners especially at 5,000 - 1 odds.
Isn't the fact that these rumours are out there tarnishing the product anyway. I for one believe there is something fishy about this season, as someone else has said you don't overnight go from relegation fodder to winners especially at 5,000 - 1 odds.
It will be allowed to disappear quietly over the next few days. It's highly unlikely that an almost entirely self-governing body will take any action on this.

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