The Wit & Wisdom of Nigel

So Pearson apologises for his Ostrich rant. I expect his was told from a higher authority to do so.
Just heard Pat Murphy, BBC, make Big Nige sound like a right chump. Pearson tried to be smart again and got ripped to pieces!
what actually set him off ... did the Journo say that Pearson never criticises any of his players or that others keep criticising his players and Pearson doesn't like it, and the journo's question was countermanding that fact??

i'm lost.
You wonder what Pearson is like behind doors with his own staff/players. The issue here for me is about his competence (whether or not he is a bully). He seems to unravel under the slightest pressure. He is clearly a poor leader. Personally I think Leicester have underperformed this season whether they stay up or not. They have set the bar low.
bobbyowenquiff said:
You wonder what Pearson is like behind doors with his own staff/players. The issue here for me is about his competence (whether or not he is a bully). He seems to unravel under the slightest pressure. He is clearly a poor leader. Personally I think Leicester have underperformed this season whether they stay up or not. They have set the bar low.

I was thinking that, I was watching the game last night and Pearson seemed frustrated about Huth coming off early doors due to an injury.

He might just not like journos.
foxy said:
bobbyowenquiff said:
You wonder what Pearson is like behind doors with his own staff/players. The issue here for me is about his competence (whether or not he is a bully). He seems to unravel under the slightest pressure. He is clearly a poor leader. Personally I think Leicester have underperformed this season whether they stay up or not. They have set the bar low.

I was thinking that, I was watching the game last night and Pearson seemed frustrated about Huth coming off early doors due to an injury.

He might just not like journos.

who does? they seldom praise but swoop in like vultures when there is a story that provokes opinion and creates a web page or column inches.

Pearson apologises today, then suddenly there is a host of journalists for his pre-match news conference, some that cover other clubs, jump in to "report" suddenly.

BBC Pat Murphy, who spent most of Paul Lambert's time at Aston Villa, criticising him as a manager, a former player and as a person, has suddenly appeared to do the same to Pearson. Would he have appeared if yesterday hadn't happened? Of course not.

And they wonder why people call them Hacks.
Never paid any attention to pearson the bland twat, until he was slating mike dean it was a few weeks ago. Even though he was right I formed an opinion of nigel pearson for the first time and my opinion was that he's a total fucking wanker. This backs it up and so have thher things. He thinks very fondly of himself
Pearson is a complete nutter. He's the sort of guy that would bottle you in a pub just for looking at him the wrong way.
Mike N said:
Just heard Pat Murphy, BBC, make Big Nige sound like a right chump. Pearson tried to be smart again and got ripped to pieces!
Pfft. More bullying I guess.
Just seen that interview with Pat Murphy on the BBC website,proper gave it to him,he is such an arrogant tosser,who is so fortunate to have such a high profile job,and comes across as one of those guys whose never wrong,he's a smug bastard and I hope the Leicester board dispense of him whether they stay up or not.

The game has enough of these clever bastards already,a lot in the top 2 divisions,but this season alone Pearson has been quite frankly a disgrace to the game

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