The Wit & Wisdom of Nigel

Great watch that and given his apology, he could hardly lose his rag again could he so just had to sit there and take it.

We all know journo's can be cunts of the highest order but he most definitely got a taste of his own medicine there and fair play to the reporter.

I wonder why he never rocked up at a baconface presser and defended his fellow journo's though?
I personally really don't like Pearson. Mancini sometimes tried to rub the press up the wrong way when getting criticized, JM still does it. The difference is that they did so with respect not flat out obnoxious distain. JM knows that the oxygen of publicity is a massively useful motivational tool for his players, and thus he gives a little to the press every now and again (Arsene's a failure....) because he's knows the relationship is mutually beneficial.

Pearson has just been frankly rude. I think the first instance was bullying, he went above and beyond the rebuff the question needed. Agree in the second interview that I am not sure he or Murphy (who I do like usually for his tough talking) come out of it well. He was clearly sent to antagonize him and it worked.

Sure this will probably drift away after a result or two, but I don't think Pearson realises the professional harm a charge sheet like this could do. Particularly if they go down there will be a few chairman who don't fancy him for a future job as they know they could do without the aggro.
The journalist comes across as an even bigger idiot than Pearson did.

He's there to ask questions not appoint himself spokesman for sports journalists and give some grandstand speech. Self righteous fool.
His problem is he is genuinely genuinely thick but doesn't realise it

He is thinking out loud half the time trying to be articulate
What's wrong with Pearson, ever since they said he would be sacked a few months ago he's had a face like a slapped arse, threatened a player and now calling a reporter an ostrich lol

It did make me laugh though, calling someone a bloody ostrich, of all the things in the world. It's one of them words that will go around for years now.

Parking the bus, prawn sandwiches now a phrase for the reporters being ostriches perhaps
bobbyowenquiff said:
You wonder what Pearson is like behind doors with his own staff/players. The issue here for me is about his competence (whether or not he is a bully). He seems to unravel under the slightest pressure. He is clearly a poor leader. Personally I think Leicester have underperformed this season whether they stay up or not. They have set the bar low.

He can't that bad...none of the Leicester players seem to have any problems playing for him.

Not a fan of Pearson as a character, but to be fair Wenger isn't far behind him in his treatment of the media.

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