Thick Football Decisions


Well-Known Member
27 Jun 2009
Here, there, and every fucking where
All season I've been thinking this. Does anyone else think that as a team we are pretty thick? Last seconds of injury time in the first half, and we play a short corner and the referee then blows up. Just put the ball into the fucking box!

It happens every single game. Just stupid editions that seem to cost us.
I went absolutely mental at this. Completely lost it for about 10 minutes at half time as did a few others around me at the ground. How could any player be THAT thick? The ref was waiting to blow up he had his whistle in his mouth so we decide to play a short corner rather than get the ball into the fucking box. The mind boggles at times.
I think blinding yourself hiding behind the wall and letting a guy pass the ball into the net was the dumbest thing i say tonight
We just wanted to up our successful first pass completion on our corners.
Anyone who pays more than £50 for a football ticket.
Lewandowski is pretty thick. He suggested they lost tonight by making just three mistakes all night that cost three goals. City went into HT having made just two mistakes which cost two goals. Didn't he see those mistakes or did they not register among his seemingly low number of grey cells?
Thebigbluehouse said:
Passing a corner ball to the best goalie in the world. And in other games, passing the corner ball to not the best goalie in the world.
When we played Stoke I think we crossed our own corner straight to the tallest man in the league (Crouch) nine times and we've conceded two goals from us having a corner ourselves up the other end this season.

We are such a bizarre team/club!

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