This "Boutique footy" lark re QPR


Well-Known Member
7 Sep 2008
Abu Dhabi P.O.V
Apparently QPR will go for becoming a bit more exclusive, a bit more expensive, a bit more a club for the select few..This had the Mittals walking out from the QPR board.

So, is it a wise move for a club in a small stadium unable to cater for loads of fans? Going upmarket in a way.
The difference in regards to City policy is striking in so many ways that I feel that we might discuss it.
IF they can get enough people to pay the much higher fees then it's a sensible "business" plan to maximise their limited matchday revenue. From a football perspective it's disgusting, to actively target your loyal fanbase and price them out of the ground so you can fill it with wealthy "customers" instead should be viewed as what it is, an afront to anyone who truly cares about football. I'm surprised this hasn't been bigger news. What do you expect with Flavio Briatore involved though, he'll have no affinity with the normal supporter.
It's disgusting. Football just isn't a working man's game anymore, and hasn't been for a long time. At least City are mixing it up a bit. Obviously they're trying to attract wealthier supporters who can contribute to the FFPR, but we're also staying true to ourselves and looking after the real fans to a certain extent.
It's like putting a silk scarf on a pig, basically charging premium ticket prices to watch a team on par (if not worse) than West Brom. Apparently they have a transfer budget of 10m, there not gonna buy 8-9 quality players with that to justify paying higher prices, their fans are still going to be watching Shaun Derry and Wayne Routledge every week.

Feel bad for the fans, day light robbery!
I feel sorry for QPR's fans. Can't see them having much of an atmosphere just having rich folk & if they lose all the time those rich plastic fans will just get on their toes. Disgusting!
It's an absolutely astonishing price to charge considering it's their first season in the league and premier league football the season after is far from assured. This experiment will end in tears if they're relegated and they've alienated swathes of their regular support.
This "Boutique footy" lark re QPR

The thing is it's not the owners who will be bothered when it ends in tears, yes they will have lost some money, but they will just jump ship and it will AFC QPR in the evostick in 5 years!

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