To the stupid person who let off the banger

Ha'Way Lads said:
Marvin said:
Ha'Way Lads said:
Please can you tell me when Brum beat SAFC 5-0?
He's referring to last season when we were playing Utd at Wembley you were playing Birmingham. You got beat 2-0.

No point trying to generalise about a handful of supporters

Seems strange pointing out 5-0 though eh?

Every club has a handful of flidds who gloat other fans about winning. The majority of supporters are hard working, normal people (SAFC and MCFC alike).

All the best.
definitely not called for
fuck me have i logged on to a sunderland site by mistake ? as royal oak said if you go down again the stadium of light(what a fucking laugh that is!)will be half empty jog on sonny.
Sunderland said:
Royaloak said:
Sunderland are indeed a no-mark down trodden club from a no-mark downtrodden City (I assume that Sunderland is a ‘City’, laughable though it may seem). If Sunderland had been on the receiving end of the good fortune that City have, they would still fail because nobody would want to go there - the place is a shit hole with absolutely nothing to commend it or its people. There is a touch of the ‘scouse’ about the North East in general, but Sunderland in particular - you play the ‘victim’ particularly well.

The fact that Wearsiders are envious of Newcastle says it all. Your fans have been a bunch of cunts since I’ve been going, which dates back to the early 70’s. They are still the same, they were yesterday and will be next year. As for your referral to O’Neill and ‘divine Intervention’, let’s see what it’s like in a season or two, when he’s spent your limited amount of money on shite players and you are languishing in the bottom half of the table - it’s an inevitability. Meanwhile, we’ll look upon Sunderland and their fans as the no-mark, downtrodden shithouses that they are.

Now fuck off back to your own board of in-breds you six fingered idiot.

You're a class act, mate.

I lived in Manchester for about 6 years.

Loved the place. By and large, Mancs are good lads.

You sound like a decent lad. Ignore some of the numpties on here, like you already said all clubs have them.
salford blue 62 said:
fuck me have i logged on to a sunderland site by mistake ? as royal oak said if you go down again the stadium of light(what a fucking laugh that is!)will be half empty jog on sonny.

cookster said:
Sunderland said:
Royaloak said:
Sunderland are indeed a no-mark down trodden club from a no-mark downtrodden City (I assume that Sunderland is a ‘City’, laughable though it may seem). If Sunderland had been on the receiving end of the good fortune that City have, they would still fail because nobody would want to go there - the place is a shit hole with absolutely nothing to commend it or its people. There is a touch of the ‘scouse’ about the North East in general, but Sunderland in particular - you play the ‘victim’ particularly well.

The fact that Wearsiders are envious of Newcastle says it all. Your fans have been a bunch of cunts since I’ve been going, which dates back to the early 70’s. They are still the same, they were yesterday and will be next year. As for your referral to O’Neill and ‘divine Intervention’, let’s see what it’s like in a season or two, when he’s spent your limited amount of money on shite players and you are languishing in the bottom half of the table - it’s an inevitability. Meanwhile, we’ll look upon Sunderland and their fans as the no-mark, downtrodden shithouses that they are.

Now fuck off back to your own board of in-breds you six fingered idiot.

You're a class act, mate.

I lived in Manchester for about 6 years.

Loved the place. By and large, Mancs are good lads.

You sound like a decent lad. Ignore some of the numpties on here, like you already said all clubs have them.
Aye, this site is proper cringeworthy after a bad result, they all seem to crawl out of the woodwork for a mass teddy launch.
Always found the Manchester area sound.

Three great memories of one Whitefield boozer.
Went in years ago on the way home, after a midweek match in Stoke.
Four of us.
Man Utd fans in, after Galatasaray had knocked them out of the CL.
(Before the days when Turkish sides did much).
Grown blokes sitting crying.
We started taking the piss out of them and the 3/4 City fans who were there joined in.
They all fucked-off, in the huff.

A few years later, we were returning from another game.
Tranmere away, IIRC.
Went back to the same boozer, not knowing any other scores.
Lo and behold, the same scenario.
They had been murdered at home off York City.
(They weren't knocked out yet, so weren't crying - although they did, at the away leg).
We aactually got recognised by two of the City blokes that had been in the previous time, and we all started to take the piss out of them again.

A few years later, 1999. we had been promoted at Bury.
I had nothing to do with the minibus we were in. But as fate would have it, the driver drove around looking for a decent pub for a post-match drink. He only pulls up at the same pub (to my amazement).
Goes in and we all have a few beers. Landlord is over the moon with the trade. End up giving us all a lock-in. We spend a fortune and he ends up filling the bar with free shots. Another great midweek night.

I wonder what the circumstances will be, the next time I go to that pub?
Hopefully something else that will piss the Man utd fans off, that would please me.

Great Steak and Kidney Pudding at the chipshop around the corner aswell, BTW. We don't get those at our chippies.
been to sunderland with city 5 times never had any bother not even a bit ov jumpin about shoutin "come on then"!! normally about 6 of us go for a booze in that real shit hole of a boozer in the row of shops over the bit of wasteland near the river.
its probably in my top ten worst dives ive ever been in.

as another poster put its normally boro where theres trouble last time i went there the old bill thought it was a film set they even wanted the oaps n kids that had come to watch the blues on video.

as for the cup game in the90's if memory serves me right we lost 1 nil n the major trouble was on & near the curry mile.

was probably the last time that there was fightin on a really big scale at maine rd that i can remember anyway.
lordloverocket said:
been to sunderland with city 5 times never had any bother not even a bit ov jumpin about shoutin "come on then"!! normally about 6 of us go for a booze in that real shit hole of a boozer in the row of shops over the bit of wasteland near the river.
its probably in my top ten worst dives ive ever been in

as another poster put its normally boro where theres trouble last time i went there the old bill thought it was a film set they even wanted the oaps n kids that had come to watch the blues on video.

as for the cup game in the90's if memory serves me right we lost 1 nil n the major trouble was on & near the curry mile.

was probably the last time that there was fightin on a really big scale at maine rd that i can remember anyway.

The Halfway House.
salford blue 62 said:
fuck me have i logged on to a sunderland site by mistake ? as royal oak said if you go down again the stadium of light(what a fucking laugh that is!)will be half empty jog on sonny.
Such a stupid comment.

I've been to Man City away (in recent years) where you've had gates around the 40k mark.

You only started selling out week in week out when you assembled the greatest team in the history of the premier league. Whoop-de-do.
i joined a while back. posted this on another thread but it didn't seem to come up straight away.

100% diehard sunderland but always kept my eye on man city after a spell of work in eccles many (blue) moons ago. i was looked after by a family of blues before i found my own digs.

didn't see any trouble at all as i walked around the opposite side of ground to car. before the game just saw fans mixing and no chew whatsoever, very rarely is.
i hope you go on to win the league and you don't begrudge us our bit of happiness. believe me, we've seen plenty of hurt.

i was at maine road in 1990 for our relegation game. anyone there that day should maybe put some of your newcomer fans right about sunderland's support. out of interest has any team ever taken more to maine road?

all the best and happy new year.

Yes mate, plenty have, i think it was 85ish when Chelsea brought a fkin worrying stack lol, there were fkin millions of em.

All the best man.

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