It's a bit disingenuous this tweey. Very clickbaity.I'm failing to see where exactly he claims that?
Agreed with you on the disingenuous tweet and the fallacious TV make kids bad argument he madeIt's a bit disingenuous this tweey. Very clickbaity.
Which is a shame because the 'kids bad because of TV/film characters' argument the guy was going for is a historically dumb argument anyway.
Then again blaming that on females being cast on certain shows is admittedly very dumb too.
Maybe so, but having an argument of 'no male role models ---> male criminals' is in poor taste and I don't think the 'Diversion, Inclusion, and Equality' arguments are built on the same negative principles. Some are, and I'd probably have similar opinions on those too.While I don't find this to be a credible argument, I must admit, it is an argument used ad nauseum on the left. I mean, the whole 'representation' argument I.e.. "Diversity, Inclusion and Equity" are all partly founded on the principle of representation. And how it's important.