Transgender Sportswomen in Sport

Allowing men to compete against women specially in physical contact sports is unfair and dangerous, it wont be long before there wont be any biological women winning anything because men who class themselves as women have literally barged them aside.
Biological sex is binary mate, women don't have penises, men don't have vaginas and the real kicker, there's no such thing as a lesbian with a penis

Gender (one's biological sex) is not complicated, it is not a social construct and one's biological sex is not a spectrum. Trans women are not women and have no right to occupy women's spaces.

Trans women, and it is trans women we're not talking about not trans men, don't want a....

Trans women want access to a space already occupied, and if you don't give it to them you are a hateful transphobe, or even worse a TERF (trans exclusionary radical feminist).

Ahh so surf and terf is

Sad uncaring rightwing facist and trans exclusionary radical feminist

Interesting date that would be
Allowing men to compete against women specially in physical contact sports is unfair and dangerous, it wont be long before there wont be any biological women winning anything because men who class themselves as women have literally barged them aside.

It is a serious attack on feminism and equality which seems funded. When stuff like this suddenly appears out of no where and in the news all the time it is an agenda (no pun intended) what the end game is I don't know.
It is a serious attack on feminism and equality which seems funded. When stuff like this suddenly appears out of no where and in the news all the time it is an agenda (no pun intended) what the end game is I don't know.

Not all women or feminists feel this issue is an attack on them.
You can say that about virtually anything in life, not all city fans think such a player is good ect ect. Female sport is under attack and it is a shame because it is men that are doing it.

I'm more than happy to accept there are a range of views on this. I just feel the need to speak up when people try and say there is one unanimous position on this issue amongst women. Feminism is being attacked from all kinds of directions and that's a much bigger concern for a lot of women than the impact of accepting transgender women into female spaces. It can be a pretty confusing place on this forum sometimes as most feminist issues are debunked straight off the bat but for some reason this one gains a lot more traction. If you look at what happened at the pride parade on Saturday, women supporting trans rights overwhelmingly outnumbered the handful of anti transgender activists who tried to disrupt the march.
I'm more than happy to accept there are a range of views on this. I just feel the need to speak up when people try and say there is one unanimous position on this issue amongst women. Feminism is being attacked from all kinds of directions and that's a much bigger concern for a lot of women than the impact of accepting transgender women into female spaces. It can be a pretty confusing place on this forum sometimes as most feminist issues are debunked straight off the bat but for some reason this one gains a lot more traction. If you look at what happened at the pride parade on Saturday, women supporting trans rights overwhelmingly outnumbered the handful of anti transgender activists who tried to disrupt the march.

I'm failing to understand why society and sport is having to bend backwards to change for a group that is such a tiny minority and pretty much an anomaly. What is the point in competitive female sport if it is no longer a fair playing field, this whole agenda is bollocks and should never be supported.
Feminism is being attacked from all kinds of directions and that's a much bigger concern for a lot of women than the impact of accepting transgender women into female spaces.
There you go again. This thread is entirely about trans women taking sporting places from biological women. Nothing wider.

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