Trouble in the East Stand??

Re: Ejections in 109


Is it illgal for clubs to install safe standing seats? That's a point not often discussed.

If it's not, why can't clubs install them? They still offer the option of sitting, so they are no different to the current seats. They are not illegal then.

Another point. Roughly 5-6000 fans were stood up on Monday night.

Blocks 111, 110, 109, the SS and the Swansea fans.

If it's illeagl to stand at football matches, why are the Government, the local authorities, the Police, the PL and the clubs all turning a blind eye to it. 5-6000 prople were 'constantly breaking the law' and nobody in power did anything about it. Why?

The point being. You can't say standing is illegal, and in doing so make a handful of fans scapegoats and eject them, while in the same stadium 5-6000 fans are standing. Calling these sections singning and away sections doesn't change a thing. You either implement the no standing law fully or the law is an ass.

Or are the politicians and people who run football the real asses?

BTW. Make a note of all the fans up and down the country who are standing up this weekend. You will be shocked. I'll start you off. The lower and upper tiers in the Bolton away end, and the corner where all the Bolton singers go.

PS. Time for bed. That's enough spelling and grammer mistakes for one night. Not only that, but this wireless keyboard is crap and doesn't work properly. Time for a new one.
Re: Ejections in 109

I appreciate that if you wish to go to the match and quietly applaud now and then, with an uninterupted view of the game, for which you have shelled out a considerable sum on a season ticket for the privelige of being able to do so, then fine. But City have a support that hasnt gained many youngsters in a generation. This means that many of us were going when the Kippax was standing. Hillsborough changed things, but not for the people who were used to sitting in the Main stand, North stand and Platt lane. The Kippax held 26000. Where do we go for the same type of atmosphere we were used to? Do the people who sit, like the now "sterile" atmosphere at matches? As a club, we should be pushing for standing areas, if Europe can decide the size of a cucumber i buy at a supermarket in England, then it can decide on standing. ( which if it allows in one member state, it must allow in all )
I for one dont build myself up all week to sit as a spectator, i count myself as part of my club, from paying £100 for £50 of shares, many years ago to fund the youth development, to helping become the 12th man when the going is tough. I am so lucky to have been a die hard in the 70's, 80's and 90's. Ask the youngsters now about Hamburg at home, i bet they loved it.
Re: Ejections in 109

IOWBlue said:
I appreciate that if you wish to go to the match and quietly applaud now and then, with an uninterupted view of the game, for which you have shelled out a considerable sum on a season ticket for the privelige of being able to do so, then fine. But City have a support that hasnt gained many youngsters in a generation. This means that many of us were going when the Kippax was standing. Hillsborough changed things, but not for the people who were used to sitting in the Main stand, North stand and Platt lane. The Kippax held 26000. Where do we go for the same type of atmosphere we were used to? Do the people who sit, like the now "sterile" atmosphere at matches? As a club, we should be pushing for standing areas, if Europe can decide the size of a cucumber i buy at a supermarket in England, then it can decide on standing. ( which if it allows in one member state, it must allow in all )
I for one dont build myself up all week to sit as a spectator, i count myself as part of my club, from paying £100 for £50 of shares, many years ago to fund the youth development, to helping become the 12th man when the going is tough. I am so lucky to have been a die hard in the 70's, 80's and 90's. Ask the youngsters now about Hamburg at home, i bet they loved it.

the problem is, are the club prepared to listen to us?

Sure they send us surveys every week on the size of the hotdogs or if we use a car to drive home.... But the issue of Safe Standing?
Not a whisper.

We need to lobby city somehow to get SS.
Re: Ejections in 109

Maybe the guys doing the " Ultras " type group would be the ones to start a fact finding mission. They are in contact with City in a small capacity, but its got to start somewhere. We were the first to do a junior supporters club, first for inflatables on a big scale, best web site, groundsmen of the year, weve had programme of the year, so many firsts, maybe we could be the club that brings back football to the supporters in England, because in 10 years.....................
Re: Ejections in 109

IOWBlue said:
I appreciate that if you wish to go to the match and quietly applaud now and then, with an uninterupted view of the game, for which you have shelled out a considerable sum on a season ticket for the privelige of being able to do so, then fine.

Who says that those who prefer to sit sit and quietly applaud? I sit, because I find it difficult to stand for 90 minutes (even with the sit down at half time) but I do NOT sit quietly and applaud, I can shout and cheer just as loudly standing or sitting. I have to stand at away matches and I shout just as loudly. Ask anyone who sits around me in the Colin Bell Stand lower section and ask any of the people who I meet at away matches, in this country and abroad.

Do the people who sit, like the now "sterile" atmosphere at matches? .

I do not find we have a 'sterile' atmosphere at matches. We have a good atmosphere and we sing and shout with the best of them. That is the whole of the stadium not just the standing sections.

I don't object to people standing if they are not obstructing other people, what I do object to very strongly is the way the people who stand feel that everyone else is wrong. We are not wrong, we just have a different opinion.

Those of us who prefer to sit have been labelled the "flask and blanket brigade" among other things. Well I am sorry, I am a pensioner, a woman and a City supporter, I have never carried a flask or a blanket, I only carry cold water, even in the coldest of places (as I am diabetic I need to have it there for emergencies) and I never ask for special treatment. Please don't generalise. There may be certain people who do these things but not everyone who wants to sit is wrong.

This question has been raised at almost every Points of View meeting I have attended and the club's response has always been the same. It is illegal, they are doing their best by covertly letting some sections stand (my words not theirs). As someone said earlier in this thread, the club have allowed certain sections to stand but now people are trying to expand that themselves. It isn't fair to the other fans if this is allowed to go on. IMHO

IOWBlue, no one has taken the football away from the supporters, all they have taken is the standing. Supporters can still support whether standing or sitting!!
Re: Ejections in 109

jrb said:

Is it illgal for clubs to install safe standing seats? That's a point not often discussed.
That's because it is illegal.

jrb said:
If it's illegal to stand at football matches, why are the Government, the local authorities, the Police, the PL and the clubs all turning a blind eye to it. 5-6000 prople were 'constantly breaking the law' and nobody in power did anything about it. Why?
Because it's safe, and gets over a problem without trying to change the law, which (at the moment) Parliament will not do.

Campaigning for safe standing is one thing (and you'd have the club's support), trying to pretend the law isn't the law is another, and it's quite another to abuse the non-enforcement policy (by people standing in an area where the majority want to sit, or at least don't want to stand throughout).
Re: Ejections in 109

To Eccles Blue, i was only trying to say that for some, the "old style atmosphere" which in my opinion has lessened, was an important part of the whole "matchday experience", and that we should try to accomodate both. There has always been the more vocal or singing sections of any ground, and you cant do it sat down. At Maine Road you knew where to go, for what you wanted as an individual, but as half of Maine Road was standing, thats a lot of people who now have had to change their whole ethos as a supporter. We should all be trying to make it a great day out for both "types" of supporter. We all pay a fair bit, and we all love CITY. Arguing with fellow Blues is something i try to avoid. :)
Re: Ejections in 109

Just repeating what others have said, I do feel sorry for the club on this. As above, the regulations do not allow standing - simple as that.

The club is bending the rules as far as it can in letting certain sections stand - but it simply cannot permit a free for all and let standing in other sections.

If you want to stand all game and have a ticket in one of the sections in which it is tolerated then well done. If you're stuck in another section, well tough luck - lobby your MP, your MSP, join the safe standing campaign, but don't think that standing at the ground and trying to force the club to go against the legislation even more than they already do will make any difference whatsoever.

The argument that standing creates a better atmosphere may be true, I'm not convinced, I stood on the Kippax for years and for a lot of the time it was a morgue. But human nature is to look back on the past as being a lot better than it actually was and now we all think terracing created a wall of sound, when if you're honest, most of the time it didn't. But that's not really the point here.

I think City are doing everything they can, but by arguing with stewards/Peter Fletcher etc you're fighting the wrong person - they have to implement the legislation as it stands, it's their job.
Re: Ejections in 109

are some posters on here for real??
the atmosphere is good all round the ground???
cuck-ooo cuck-oo
one end of the ground makes the atmosphere and the rest get involved when they can be bothered.

sorry but thats the truth!

the main noise comes from 109,110,111 and the south stand...hmmm who are 99% standing ime sorry but sitting down as regards to atmosphere is dogshit.

people dont like the truth.

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