Typing cursor disappearing and needed to reclick to continue typing


Well-Known Member
3 Feb 2022
Team supported
Man City
Is it just me.. and you're typing something and then all of a sudden the cursor vanishes and you can't type anymore, need to manually click the spot where it was to continue.

This only recently started happening and only happens on this forum for me.

I'm curious if it just me, or other people have same problem too?
What device are you using, and what version of its OS? And which browser?
It's been doing the same for me randomly for quite awhile now. This is on Chrome/Windows 11 desktop. I had put it down to the wireless keyboard but maybe not.
Power Settings: In many cases, power-saving settings cause the disappearance of the mouse. Adjust the power settings by navigating to Settings> System> Power sleep and then customize power plan settings to prevent the system from turning off the mouse or touchpad to save power.

Give this a try?

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