thinking about the 25% to good causes, would one of those good causes be updating old stadium for "historic reasons", the whole thing is a sham, and hopefully these american cunts who have devised the whole thing will now feel the full wraith of every football supporter, its all bollocks ,not one thing is good about it, every single proposal can be twisted to benefit those two slimy fuck everyone clubs, and anybody who thinks its a good idea needs fucking off as well
i agree that the lower leagues need help, but not in a form of a fucking loan, see how well that worked for poorer nations down the years, the premier league teams earn vast fucking fortunes, most are pissed up the wall, surely there is a way to filter more money downwards ,without having to benefit the rich even more, it is a football family and every member of that family needs a say in the future, not some don't give a fuck as long as i make more money yank cunts.