Well-Known Member
Would the Manure stock go up or down as a result of LVG leaving the Theatre of Sleep?
My Dutch friend here in the Algarve just told me LVG has left Manure... he heard on Dutch radio just now... is it true?
They're naming a stand after the Ticket Tout! Will be hard to get tickets in there anyway
If Rags fans want to buy tickets for the Bobby Charlton Stand, do they have to apply to him personally, or has he given ticket touting up now he's a really ancient f*cker ?
Maybe he sells through the club and takes a percentage for every one sold, thereby cutting out the middle man, meaning Sir Toutalot has less work to do, while maintaining his income.
In relation to the unsurprising news that MUFC will be re-naming their south stand the "Bobby Charlton Stand" a spokesman for Sir Robert of Touting declared that Sir Booby is immensely pleased at this outstanding recognition of his longevity and he would be pleased to "Buy any spares". :)