US Politics Thread

With the news of the stock markets, and unemployment rise, in-part due to the ultra-rich pulling their investment, how will this have an effect on the Presidential race?
Just wait until right before the election (just like the last couple of times) and OPEC/ Saudi Arabia unilaterally and for no good reason, cut oil production, spiking the world price and driving up ‘muh gas prices’. Of course, the average Fox News-watching mouthbreater thinks the US should ‘drill more’ and the Democrats are holding the US back from energy dependency and it’s all their fault. The reality is, as always, pretty much the opposite. The US is the largest oil producer in the world and is pretty-much self-sufficient, at least on paper. What really drives up the price of Joe Sixpack’s fill up of his totally unnecessary F-250 dual cab (that carries nothing more than the 100 pack of bog roll and and 25 lb of steaks for the barbecue that he gets from Costco every month), is opportunistic pricing by the big oil cos who make some easy money using the global price as an excuse. Oh, and it typically helps out the gop too, who they kinda prefer anyway.

As they say in Private Eye, “Trebles all round!!”
Why would anyone vote for someone that didn’t want fact checking allowed?
I know that’s a rhetorical question, but it’s people who don’t care about facts, but do care about their feelings…. Hang on… isn’t “facts don’t care about your feelings” what the RW propaganda machine makes all their zombiefied viewers think is a uniquely ‘liberal’ affliction?!? It’s almost as if they’re being played.
That **** must go down in history as the most bent SC justice of all time.
Clarence (AKA Mr Ginni Thomas) is probably up there to be fair, being blatantly compromised (bribed) and for failing to recuse himself from any Jan 6 hearing where his wife may have been implicated.

Gorsuch is just a bit more sneaky about it. The whole "if a President does it as part of their official duties, it's not a crime" schtick might come back and bite him on the arse though if Biden just decides to ram through Supreme Court reforms before leaving office.

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