VAR thread 2022/23

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If you applied this argument to all competitions governed by the FA then you would have thousands of amateur cups all over the country that currently have a referee only, in the early rounds, who wouldn’t be able to have linesman in the latter stages, as they currently do.
Yet another reason var is shite

What about a comprise approach, whereby *only* the final has VAR?

Personally speaking, I’m pretty easy going on whatever they want to do. Scrap VAR completely tomorrow and it wouldn’t bother me in the slightest.

Specifically on your suggested compromise? The fact is when you’ve got a competition where some grounds can vacillate VAR and others can’t, as we have, then there isn’t a single solution that wouldn’t draw criticism from some. If they went with your plan and there was controversy in one of the semis, the same arguments would apply.

As long as they set out the rules before the competition starts and stick with it, I’m happy enough though.
To be fair, I recall officiating accuracy being regularly reported as 90+% prior to VAR being implemented. Which would be expected, as they wouldn’t be reporting that about 1 out of every 5 decisions are incorrect, would they. Especially given they had been resisting implementing video review for decades after it had been used and continually refined elsewhere in the world.

It’s fairly common for past data points to be revised when an entity needs to provide proof of efficacy for a new policy. Happens all the time in non-sport industry. In fact, there’s an entire industry built up to support such endeavours.

I know, because I used to audit it. ;-)

*44% of those that have responded. It’s probably not actually 44%, though.
I've also seen the 90%+ pre VAR stats. If you google there's some stuff from around 2015 on it. I found a while ago (but can't now) a blog from someone who dug into it. In a nutshell, his view was that the 90 odd percent figure counted every decision (eg obvious ones like throw ins, etc) but if you drilled down into "big decisions" the accuracy was much lower. Including all decisions into a global number gave the impression of considerable accuracy. He also made the same argument about the VAR is 99% correct stats too.
What I can say for certain is if the final at Wembley was decided by a goal that was a yard off side or came off the scorers hand, there would be an awful lot of people saying it’s a ridiculous state of affairs that the VAR equipment wasn’t used.

out of curiosity - would you be one of them ?
out of curiosity - would you be one of them ?

As I said previously, as long as the rules are set out pre tournament and aren’t changed, I wouldn’t have any complaints.

But yeah, if there was an obvious referee mistake that resulted in the winning goal, I’d probably think it a bit silly that they didn’t use the technology they had available.
Robertson was sent off against Spurs in December 2021.
For one of his trademark late'n'high attempts too, impressive refereeing there. It's a shame that standard hasn't continued and he hasn't been called out and sanctioned for his repeated violent play since then.
That one red card he received in the VAR era had definitely passed me by though, it's one more than he received in the pre VAR days though so it's definitely improving the standard of refereeing throughout the game.
I don't think it is deliberate. Referees patrol a certain diagonal path - normally, or possibly exclusively these days with their assistants running on right wings. It really isn't in their best interest to disrupt play. It would reflect in their assessments, marks, professionalism, and indeed could jeopardise their chances of being awarded prestigious games. They have to be somewhere on the pitch. Sometimes this means being in the way of the ball.
I’ve tried telling this to people before but you’re wasting your breath mate.
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