Vieira here- The future?

Because he's the complete polar opposite to everything the people in charge of the club are working towards. He's a defensive minded coach who values not conceding to scoring goals and playing attractive football.
So how on earth do you think he will end up at Arsenal then.
Because Arsenal simply abide to Wenger's style and Arsenal don't have a clear playing ethos.
Wenger is unlikely to give up the managerial reins any time soon and if he did he will almost certainly have a role at the club.
If you believe that Simeone could arrive at the Arse with Wenger anywhere near the club then youve no idea,also your generalisations about Arsenal as a club are disingenuous to say the least.
Vieira on managing City: "This is the fairy-tale. I don’t look further than next year because in our world anything can happen." [Telegraph]
Just a guess but hav a feelin Simeone will pop up at Spurs and Pochetino will move to the meccano set once peg is binned.

Not an unrealistic scenario. Story was that Pochetino was the rags preference over Maureen but they could get him out of Spurs. I suspect Maureen is seeing the reality of this in his day-to-day working with people at the swamp who see him for what he is. The idea of being 2nd choice will not sit comfortably with his ego.
City have been open about the possibility of Vieira one day managing the club and the Frenchman lights up at the idea. “This is the fairy-tale story,” he said. “I don’t look further than next year because in our world anything can happen. I am really pleased that people in this club think one day I can manage here. That makes me proud but at the same time we never know what’s going to happen. I am happy to be part of the group because I love the people. They have given me the opportunity to do something I wasn’t sure I was capable of doing. Maybe tomorrow, two, three years from now, I have an opportunity somewhere else. I’d sit down with Ferran and Brian Marwood and talk about it. Then they can tell me what they think.”
City have been open about the possibility of Vieira one day managing the club and the Frenchman lights up at the idea. “This is the fairy-tale story,” he said. “I don’t look further than next year because in our world anything can happen. I am really pleased that people in this club think one day I can manage here. That makes me proud but at the same time we never know what’s going to happen. I am happy to be part of the group because I love the people. They have given me the opportunity to do something I wasn’t sure I was capable of doing. Maybe tomorrow, two, three years from now, I have an opportunity somewhere else. I’d sit down with Ferran and Brian Marwood and talk about it. Then they can tell me what they think.”

Very interesting read. Absolutely spot on about no being allowed to try things, make mistakes knowing they won't be jumped on as much in the MLS and by the club. Certainly has the right attitude, willing to learn from mistakes and soak in the approach of the best managers. Interesting he is off to Seville as well. Still think Pep will be with us longer than three years, as it will take him longer here to get his philosophy working. He won't want to leave unfinished business here. Plus he is also up against some good managers. To me he just seems settled here but time will tell. It looks like Patrick trusts those at the club and think he would definitely prefer to manage here than anywhere else. Will he be good enough let's see how he progresses next season.
Very interesting read. Absolutely spot on about no being allowed to try things, make mistakes knowing they won't be jumped on as much in the MLS and by the club. Certainly has the right attitude, willing to learn from mistakes and soak in the approach of the best managers. Interesting he is off to Seville as well. Still think Pep will be with us longer than three years, as it will take him longer here to get his philosophy working. He won't want to leave unfinished business here. Plus he is also up against some good managers. To me he just seems settled here but time will tell. It looks like Patrick trusts those at the club and think he would definitely prefer to manage here than anywhere else. Will he be good enough let's see how he progresses next season.

I like the guy but it doesn't particularly matter to me either way if he ends up getting the job next. We seem to be forging really positive working relationships with highly respected ageing/ newly retired players by offering them the kind of coaching experience other clubs simply can't.

On top of that, Vieira looks like he's fully conscious of what the situation is; the interview looks like he's being given no false promises and he's an experienced enough professional to acknowledge that anything can happen in football. To be honest, I don't think he comes across as too confident of his chances. However, if he ends up in charge of Barca or Leyton Orient, I'm sure he won't be burning any bridges with our club. So even if Pep stays for ten years or we have five other managers in between, if Patrick was to ever become a top manager, that door would still most likely be open.

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